Chapter 6

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After starting their work, Lisa had quickly grown bored, and had left moments after to her room to do God knows what up there. By the time she came down again Chaeyoung had already laid out all the plastic petri dishes and made up the glucose solutions in some cups and measuring utensils she had to find for herself in the unfamiliar kitchen. When she asked her to at least help her place the mung beans into the dishes, she had just given Chaeyoung an incredulous look as she spent the time just scrolling on her phone.

Maybe Jackson would've been better, at least Chaeyoung didn't have any expectations for him whatsoever.

"You're the worst," She grumbled as she neatly packed the prepared petri dishes into a cardboard box, careful not to jostle them. Lisa's lips quirked up as she glanced up at Chaeyoung from her phone, her cheeks red as she glared back at her.

"Done?" Lisa asked, eyes challenging as the blonde let out a frustrated grunt, hands balling into fists. "You're so..." She started, before forcing out a gush of air from her lungs, dispelling her anger as she closed her eyes, rubbing the bridge of her nose firmly. "Never mind. Do you have a dark cupboard or wardrobe we can store these in while they sprout? They'll only have to be in there for a week."

"You're storing sprouts," Lisa started, raising a brow, "in my house?"

Pasting a strained, stiff smile on her face Chaeyoung looked Lisa dead in the eye, knuckles white as she gripped the box in her hands.

"If you had helped me with the project, you would have known that," She said slowly, Lisa letting out a deep chuckle as she shrugged, getting off the chair before slipping her phone into her back pocket. Chaeyoung was surprised when she reached over the counter to take the box from her hands, tenderly holding it in one arm as she gestured up the stairs with the other while they walked out of the kitchen.

"We can use my wardrobe, there should be space there," Lisa said, Chaeyoung's steps faltering behind her.

"Your wardrobe?" She asked weakly, face paling as they walked up the stairs. "It doesn't have to be your wardrobe. Any dark closet would do."

"Mine is a dark closet," Lisa said, smirking a little at Chaeyoung's hesitance at the front of her door. "Nervous?" Lisa asked, voice amused as she opened the door to her bedroom, stepping inside. Turning around, Lisa kicked the door open a little wider, the curl of her lips taunting as she looked her in the eye.

"I'm fine," She replied quickly, hands fisting again as she stepped inside. She bristled as she heard Lisa's low chuckle by her ear as she walked past her, the door clicking shut as she moved past. Glancing around the room, Chaeyoung realised that nothing much had changed since last Saturday. The walls were still green, the fan still turning weakly in a circle through the air. Posters were still peeling from the walls, her desk was still covered in piles of old paper and books. Clothes were still strewn across the room wildly, but thankfully, hers weren't among the wreckage this time.

Looking at Lisa's bed, Chaeyoung gulped as she noticed the same pale sheets from that day. The same pillows, the same thin blanket half fallen on the floor as Lisa probably kicked it off during the humid summer night. Chaeyoung's fingers itched to touch the sheets, wrinkled in the shape of Lisa's tall, slender form. She felt her mouth go dry as she tore her eyes away from the bed, only to bump right into Lisa, who was suddenly so close to her. Smoke and the scent of her sweat engulfed Chaeyoung and she hiccuped, startled as she stumbled backwards. The back of her legs hit the frame of her bed, the edge slamming into the bend of her knee sending her legs folding and body falling. Strong hands tried to grip hers as she fell, but her weight ended up dragging them down with her.

Back hitting the soft mattress, legs dangling off the side, Chaeyoung opened her eyes to find Lisa staring down at her with her doe eyes. Her arms trapped Chaeyoung's head between them, the dark scattered tattoos on them spiralling up and disappearing under her shirt, which hung loosely around her chest, revealing the top of her chest and a black bra. Her chest rose and fell softly. Dark hair fell down from her face, her legs tangled with Chaeyoung's at the edge of the bed.

Sheets | Chaelisa convertedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang