Chapter 50

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Chaeyoung sat there embarrassed, just after having told both Hoshi and Nayeon the censored story about her and Lisa, how they met and how their relationship had progressed. The both of them looking as though they had never heard of anything so magnificent, while Jennie glanced around the group with a lopsided smirk on her face.

"Oh my god, Rachel would love this," Hoshi blurted out, his face growing to look happier than it already was.

"Who's Rachel?" Jennie piped up, giving Hoshi a look and a nudge.

Hoshi smiled shyly, tilting his head to the side before opening his mouth. "Uh, well she's this girl I've been talking to. I was planning on asking her out this afternoon properly. But, we've been on a few dates." His rosy cheeks made Jennie let out an 'aww', before letting him continue. "Anyways, she's in this bookclub and they're all really supportive of your relationship. Rachel's best friend Ingrid, she writes gay stories online. Ingrid would die at the fact Lisa cooks for you. But yeah, I'm happy for you Chae."

"Thanks Hoshi. I didn't realise that, um, people were supportive of my relationship, though. After what happened last week..."

The moment Chaeyoung brought up what happened last week, the easy-going mood had been sufficiently dampened, Hoshi looking up with an uneasy expression.

"That's something else I'm sorry about..." Hoshi said. "You know, lots of my friends thought you guys were really cute, but we were too scared to say something in front of Jackson and all of them..."

"Ugh, same over here," Nayeon said, before shaking her head. "Well, almost the same. Most of the girls on my volleyball team and my guy friends on the football team also support you. They don't have a problem with you guys being gay, it's just that they're friends with Jackson, so they found it hard to speak out against him... It's a shitty excuse though, I know."

"No, it's... I understand," Chaeyoung said, smiling glumly. She understood all too well. It's hard to say things when you know people might get hurt, or disagree with you. Not all people like confrontation, in fact, most people try to avoid it at all costs. Sometimes that's good, since it keeps the peace, but at other times... Other times it's wrong. Cowardly. Unjust. All of these things.

But it's hard. Bloody hell, is it hard.

"Oooookay, now everyone looks fucking sad, so I'm sad. Let's talk about happy things, yeah?" Jennie said, clapping her hands together as if the sharp noise would slap the glum expressions off of their faces. Hoshi smiled a little, Nayeon shaking her head as she chuckled. Used to Jennie's behaviour, Chaeyoung just rolled her eyes, leaning back on her small throne of kickboards.

"So, happy thoughts," Hoshi said, scratching his head as he tried to think of something 'happy' to talk about. Seeming to draw a blank, he nudged Nayeon with his knee, the girl's brow furrowing before smoothing out with newfound excitement.

"Formal!" Nayeon exclaimed, looking at Jennie and Chaeyoung expectantly. "Are you guys going?"

"Oh God, I completely forgot about it," Chaeyoung said, eyes wide.

"Well I didn't!" Jennie groaned, head hanging low. "While you've been busy canoodling with Lisa, I've been trying to find a date!"

Pretending her flushed cheeks were a normal temperature, Chaeyoung raised a brow towards Jennie. "And... did you find one...?"

Giving Chaeyoung a flat look, Jennie gestured towards her face, scowling a little. "Do you think I would look this depressed if I found one?"

"Take Jisoo," Chaeyoung snickered, Jennie's face growing blank for a moment as she genuinely considered the idea, before shaking her head emphatically and mimicked gagging.

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