SHEETS: Lisa's POV - 1

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Lisa's POV

Part I

It was warm. Too warm, even. It was an unfamiliar feeling, my bed never being this warm, this comfortable. My body itched, wanting to move closer and closer to the source of warmth that seemed to be moving further and further away. Legs tangled with legs, arms sliding around a soft torso, curling into curves that made it seem like my arms were made to fit there.

"Lisa Manoban."

My name hung in the air, too loud in the silence and I grumbled. The voice needed to be quiet and just let me hold it. It needed to stop wriggling. On reflex, I tightened my hold on the person, my voice sleep-ridden and rough with fatigue.

"Be quiet, I'm sleeping," I said. A moment later, the warmth was gone. Groaning at the emptiness that surrounded me, I forced my heavy eyelids open, the afternoon glow blinding. I blinked a few times, vision clearing, and ran my hand over the dent in the sheets beside me, one that was created by the person lying there just seconds before.

I winced as my mind seemed to split, the taste of alcohol sour on my tongue and even more bitter in my head. Massaging my temples, I rolled over onto my back, the sheets rustling and smoothing out the person-shaped dent that was beside me.

Things were hazy in my head, but once the headache began to dull, I could remember things clearly. Blonde hair, brown at the roots with matching chocolate eyes. The taste of alcohol on her mouth, salt on her skin. A drunken giggle, a pleasured moan.


"Well, fuck," I muttered, rubbing my eyes until white spots formed. Many thoughts fluttered in my head, rattling around with a loud clang. I slept with a girl last night. Okay. The idea sat in my head, clear and new, but not out of place. The idea wasn't shocking, but more like a feeling of understanding, since deep down I knew that my attraction didn't run only towards guys. Curiosity sated, I suppose.

The idea - of being attracted to girls - had been dancing around my brain for a while now, but I had never acted on it, never finding someone to act on it with. The guy who's lap I was grinding in at the party was monotonous, and now I could barely even remember his face. I was going to go through the motions, but then she just... stumbled into my lap, all wonky smiles and unfiltered words.

I recalled the first thought that slid into my head when I caught her in my arms as she tripped, brown eyes staring up at me, reflecting my face in their gaze.

It'll be fine if it's her.

And it was fine. More than fine, in fact.

And that was terrifying.

Part II

"About time you dragged your butt out of bed, miss," Bell chastised, wiggling her finger at me as I entered the kitchen. Smiling at her feigned harshness, I planted a brief kiss to the crown of her head, mumbling a croaky 'good morning'. My grandmother sighed at the state of my voice, thrusting a glass of water into my palm before gesturing to the counter behind her.

"Lunch, for you," she said, making me grin. "Don't smile at me like that. You shouldn't be proud about waking up in the afternoon!"

"Yeah, yeah," I said, plopping myself down to shovel some eggs into my mouth, stomach gurgling with hunger.

"Don't 'yeah, yeah' me, Lalisa," Bell scolded again, though her smile betrayed her tough tone, wrinkled hand moving to stroke my hair. Soon enough, a playful smile arranged itself on her face, dark eyes gleaming.

Sheets | Chaelisa convertedWhere stories live. Discover now