Same events, different sidaffects

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Dodging a strike from Ahsoka I forced pushed her into Anakins path, said Knight put Ahsoka on the defensive with her barely keeping up. She blocked a few strikes from Anakin before Obi-wan Came behind her and pushed her back. She faced both masters unaware of me behind her.

"You will DIE!!" She yelled at them. I rolled my eyes and creeped up to her, my force presence undetectable. I stood behind her and tapped her on the shoulder.

She turned around and swung her blade but I caught it in my hand, her eyes widened as I grabbed her and threw her back using force strength. She used her blades to slow her velocity.

"Any suggestions?" Anakin asked, I shrugged but Kenobi had an idea.

"Yes. We cut her free!" Obi-wan pulled out a blade that materialized out of thin air, the familiar blade pulled out a memory I had not wanted to remember now because that blade is the cause of death but also seniority for me.

"What is that?" Anakin asked shocked.

"It can kill the son."

"Where did you get that?" I turned my head to Ahsoka lifting her blade, but she wasn't looking at me. She was staring at Obi-wan with a hateful glare. Her voice still had its tone but the Sons voice overlaid it. "Give it to me!"

She charged the two Jedi, jumping at them, but the glass above us exploded sending us along with the two children falling to the ground.

I shook my head and stood up, hearing wings flapping. I turned and saw the Father land on the ground, his wings going back where ever they came out of. The Daughter still laid on the ground looking passed out but the son also stood up with me. I glared at him, not trusting him.

"So glad you could make it to our little party Father." The son shot red lighting out of him hand and the Father blocked it with a field of some sort. The field held but it seemed the Father was weak, he was being pushed back.

"You will stop this." The Father tried to demand from his son but he wouldn't listen. I felt lightning prick from my fingers as my anger grew, just a little more.

"You are to weak for me old man, you mean nothing to me anymore." I snarled as I watched what was happening. The Father tried to push back but he was getting pushed and thrown to the ground. The daughter was now standing up, watching horrified.

The son jumped up to the platform where the Father was on, glaring at him, lifting his hands and firing red lightning at the Father. I watched with a horror stricken face as the lightning made him yell in pain. My anger rose as the son let out a laugh, watching his father falter and either in pain on the ground.

Letting out a snarl I blasted my force lighting attack the son. He was so focused on his Father he didn't register the pain from my lightning until his body burned and his hate consumed him. He screamed in agony as I chuckled, enjoying what I was doing. I know I was leaning a little to far to the darkness but I needed that little much if I was going to beat him.

He let out another yell as he let his own force lightning meet mine and with a hand raise, at first he almost couldn't hold the connection of lightning but as he regained his bearings he growled and lifted both hands and used his lightning to a greater affect. I took a step back as I lifted my second hand to meet the offense head on.

The black and red lighting were both meeting in the middle, no side gaining any ground as the middle was just a ball of unnatural light. I tried to keep myself from using all my power but it was increasingly getting harder. I called upon my sith alchemy to help me even if it was only a little bit, but as time ticked by and I felt my lightning getting pushed back And let him have it.

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