The Force finds a way

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A ship drifted alone in space, it's hull frozen over and it's occupants akin to Popsicles rather than living beings. The ship had been drifting for a few weeks now going in circles threw hyperspace, it's hyperdrive broken during its escape. The 3 inside had to resort to sitting around as their power slowly died, which caused their life support to die as well. While not the most beautiful way to die drifting in space it was a mostly painless one as you passed out from lack of oxygen and then slowly suffocate. However that took several days as you first had to freeze and than loose oxygen a few days later. It's quite the process.

However the ship was saved when 3 others spotted it drifting in space and bathed it in light for the first time in a long time. They latched onto it with its magnetic clamps and connected to it with a hiss. As the ship latched on the people walked toward the airlock to see what laid inside this ship. The door however was frozen on the other side and the power would not allow it to open.

On the other side of the door a black blade pierced the metal of the door and sliced down threw the middle of the door. The door slid open with a hiss as air rushed in. 5 Death watch members walked inside the small escape pod and looked around ten small area. Pre-Vizsla surveyed the middle of the ship where three Zabracks who looked like icicles laid. He huffed and spoke in a commanding tone to his second in command, Bo-Katan.

"Take them". She nodded and the small team of Mandalorians quickly looted the ship for anything valuable while taking the three Zabracks into the ship. They quickly revived medical attention, especially one of them who had weird leg look. He had talons instead of feet which Vizla found rather odd. There was a taller male Zabrak and a Female Zabrack. Both males had red lightsiders while the female had a blaster.

Vizsla bent down and grabbed the single lightsaber laying on the ground. He held in his his hand for a moment before activating it. A bright red greeted his visor and he smirked behind his helmet.


Maul woke up slowly, blinking his eyes to free the tiredness from them. His orange irises looked around the unfamiliar room with annoyance. He looked to his left and right and thankfully saw Sophia and Savage. He looked down and saw his hands were bound to the bed. From his position he could here arguing from the other room next door.

Maul looked down at his legs and saw a Droid was putting new legs on him, ones that were normal looking instead of the claw like ones that he got from Mother Talzin. They were adequate for the time but now his new legs will work so much better. They looked like his old legs before......before the Jedi. Before Kenobi.

Mauls thoughts trailed back to what got him into the situation he was in now. Maul thought about that rogue force user that bested him and his brother so easily in combat and force abilities. That man...whatever he was...was not natural. His force presence was close to power when compared to Sidious but not in udder ferocity. Sidious was a master of the Darkside and he showed it whenever he spared with Maul. Maul was always surrounded by complete and utter fury whenever he faced his Master. He was a terrifying sight.

However this new force user was different, the hate was still there but there was a calmness to. A deadly calmness for sure. Maul noted that this force user was using both the light and the Darkside, which Maul found unbelievable. How could someone harness both negative and calm emotions. After searching in his head for clues about who this man could be Maul remembered something Savage told him.

"There is an empire from the unknown regions. They are powerful tactically and numerous. They joined the republic and are fighting the separatists with their Emperor at the head of most battles...I have sensed his presence from Tatooine and it was like a cloud of nothingness and bright light surrounding me. I was frightened." Maul at the time dismissed it but now he could feel it.

Star Wars, The new Empire: part one. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora