Settling in, Bringing in.

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Drax pov

I opened my eyes and groggily shook my head to clear any tiredness from my eyes. As soon as I turned my head to look around I realized that yesterday's events were indeed not a dream. My hands came up to my eyes to rub them awake.

Slipping my feet over the side of the cot I let my arms stretch and pop as I smiled, that felt good. My eyes adjusted to the room around me and I stood up, my head nearly missing the bunk. I reached down and grabbed my Helmet and other armor pieces slipping them on. I looked around the room to see no one was awake yet, however a few were stirring. I grabbed my two pistols, my Rifle, and my lightsaber before making my way out of the the barracks.

The first thing that was obvious was the piles of snow that were on the ground, I internally groaned at the sight of it, I am not in the mood to go threw this. Thankfully none got into the barracks. I started walking threw the snow and the first thing that was obvious was the yelling and the grunting I heard from the arena. Memories from yesterday flooded my mind as I recalled the ferocity in pre-Vizslas fighting style, he's a very good fighter and while he could maybe fight a Knight and win it's no wonder how he lost to Maul. Let's hope I can control the clan by that time, for now though we must settle in.

I stepped up to the arena to see Bo-Katan teaching some Death watch members hand to hand combat, I crossed my hands across my chest as I admired her teaching. The 3 males she was teaching were paying attention yet not at the same time, they were admiring her frame of course, and they were paying for it.

That was one thing that was hard with us clones because we had brothers and sisters among us growing up and while we knew there would sexual friction at times we respected each other and pushed down our desires. Do we go out and have our fun sometimes? Yes we do but not at the cost of ourselves and others. Some clones even seek relationships with others, even amongst our brothers and sisters though as rare as that is. Most clones will get with or hookup with the conscription soldiers which is mostly kept secret but not frowned upon as it can build loyalty within the squad, or trust.

We clones are a family but even as a family certain individuals will have their problems with desire, anger, lust, greed, Envy and so on and it's everyone's job to help each other out. Some of us have stronger bonds with certain members of our family because of things they've done for us or for things we've done for them, like with Mia and I. We are very close because of things we've done with each other and the tears shed together, she may not be a force sensitive but she does know what is bothering me when others don't. Mia may not be a lover but if you saw us together you may get the idea.

That's why whenever I see people who during training just Lear and don't focus on their training I get a spike of Anger that runs through me, not because you get the emotion but because you can't control it. Emotions are mostly easy controlled and to let them just run wild instead of focusing is an easy way to get under my skin.

I took a step forward and walked up the Bo-Katan, she looked my way and nodded in acknowledgement toward me. I stepped next to her and gestured a hand toward the three who were standing at attention, but were looking elsewhere threw their visor.

"You do this every morning?" I asked. She shrugged and pointed at the three.

"Training is in an hour but these three need the most help, so I volunteered." I hummed and took a looked down at her.

"May I do something, just a quick thing?" She tilted her head in confusion but nodded. I walked around them and walked behind them, they kept their eyes on me until I disappeared behind them. I stood 5 feet from them and smirked.

I launched forward kicking the leg out of the one on the far left, his went down to his knee where I then switched kicked his helmet knocking him down. I lifted my two blaster pistols and shot the knee of the two just as they looked to see what was going on, they both fell forward where I shot them in the helmet. The metal held on their helmets but it would leave a nasty feeling later. As they all hit the floor groaning in pain I tsked.

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