Jedi meeting

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Y/N pov.

I strolled up the steps of the Jedi temple with 4 of my guards. I walked up the big steps in stride but also found myself deep in thought about what had just previously happened.

I had given a pledge to Sidious and reveled my "plan" to him which most of itself was a lie. I never betrayed any emotions except when I wanted to. Palpatine noticed and I have a feeling he is telling Dooku at this very moment.

I'm not blind to Palpatines charms and persuasions, never will be, but it is fun to see him try. I won't deny that I have a feeling he will try to turn me to the Darkside, it's almost 100% possible and with it being that high I will not take the chance of it.

I didn't give him details that will affect the future in a deadly way like Luke Skywalker and Leia, or the leaders of the rebels. No that Information I will not disclose but about the Death Star and his future I will definitely Share. I need his favor after all.

I want him to trust me but to question me as well so I may prove to him my trust. How I will do that I don't know but perhaps something will arise.

Anyway that can be discussed later but for now I must deal with the Jedi, the most frustrating part of the War I'm afraid. Under Luke Skywalker the Jedi prospered until the Vong invasion but even then it still hung on, at least until That thing rose up. I still shiver at night thinking of that thing Abeloth, I promise I will kill her even if I have to take myself with her.

My thoughts were interrupted by the Jedi masters meeting me on the steps. Jedi masters Shaak Ti, Yoda, Obi-wan, and Plo Koon all stood on the top of the steps with smiles on their faces. I smiled to but my mask blocked it, At least some Jedi were nice.

"Oh would you look at that men, they have the high ground." I joked while getting to the top of the steps. My guards chuckled quickly and became silent again.

"Hello there." Obi-Wan responded.

"Happy to see you again we are Y/n." Yoda greeted. I bowed my head in respect and looked around at the other Jedi and greeted them.

"It's good to see you all again, and under better circumstances this time." I said with a chuckle, earning a few from the Jedi as well. Good at least were on good terms, laughing Is good.

"Hopefully we stay in good terms." Plo Koon said, which got a nod from me.

"Yes well your republic seems very refreshing. I hope that we can get delegations and I can help you in this war, maybe not join just yet but help. You guys probably need it." I chuckled again.

"Hey, I take a little offense to that." Skywalker said as he walked up from behind them. I smirked at that.

"Why? Cause you couldn't beat the little separatists army." I mocked with a laugh. Anakin huffed and rubbed his shoulder.

"Yeah well there rougher then you think." He tried to reason.

"Tell that time my zero casualties." I shot back with a laugh. I haven't interacted with anyone like this in a while, it feels good.

"Point taken." He said with a small laugh. "Anyway how are you so good with a lightsaber, I wasn't expecting it at all and that cost me a rolled shoulder." He spoke, while putting a hand on his shoulder and rubbing it lightly.

"Practice." I said with a shrug. "Now what do you Jedi need, since I'm helping the republic I might as well help the Jedi." The smiles and laughs died down as they stared at me seriously. Yoda then spoke.

"Come, talk with the council we will." Alright then I guess it's time to be questioned.

I nodded and we all started walking into the temple. As we walked we passed many Jedi ranging from younglings to Masters. I got many stares consisting of Curiosity, Jealousy, Happiness, and my favorite, Hate. Most masters glared at me in hate and reached for their blades when they saw me but other Jedi like knights and Padawans were curious about me and almost excited to see me as I did stick out in the force like a lightsaber at night time.

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