Third battle of Geonosis part 2

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Green and red Turbo laser fire flew through space, the beams of light appearing and disappearing in a moment. As the view zoomed out though more and more Turbo lasers appeared which soon was overtake by the sounds of droid and drones swarming over each other. The sounds of the two machines firing and no wing around was defanging but soon calmed own as the View zoomed out farther to show Warships of the New Empire moving slowly toward something.

The view shifted to a wide shot behind the Invisible hand. Hundreds of ships came into view firing volleys of turbo lasers at the incoming fleet of ships. The dreadnought variant Providence fired many shots at the ships that were approaching slowly. The Imperial ships were all grouped closely together, surrounding the Bellator and taking damage to protect the massive ships.

Every minute or two the Warships would move out of the way and the Bellator would release a volley of Devastating Fire that would ever do slowly start stop punch into the Separatist line.

Off to each end of the Fortification fleet there was fighting between Imperial Avengers and Heavy bombers. Off to the left side the View showed 4 Avengers taking on 20 Separatist Vulture droids. The Avengers used any maneuver possible to target and destroy the Vulture droids. 10 Tie heavy Monster Bombers flew quickly and dropped their bombs and quickly flew to cover.

The droids went after the bombers but every time they did the Avengers would get behind them and destroy them. On their next run Blaze fired a missile at the center of a flaming hole on the side of the Munificent and watched it fly inside. Blaze flew away as the middle of the ship exploded from the inside out.

"Splash one Cruiser." Blaze called out as he trailed behind another fighter and fired his Laser cannon. He watched the streaks of green fly forward and strike the Vulture droid in the center and destroyed it.

"Great job buddy." Chopper said as he flipped his ship and stuck behind a bomber. When a Vulture droid came by he twirled his ship and shot at it, blowing it to pieces.

"I'm glad there's no people in these things, aren't you?" Chopper asked. Blaze flew Behind Nagase and destroyed a ship that was tailing her. Blaze smiled as he adjusted into the comfortable seat of the Avenger aircraft.

"Most definitely. Now I can get kill scores without worrying." Blaze said. Blaze smiled deviously as he shot 4 missiles at Vulture droids approaching, destroying them all in one go. Blaze Nagase and Chopper pulled around and started following Bartlett who was impressively taking on 8 Vulture Droids by himself.

"I hate to break it to you Kid but when you destroy 5 of these tin canes only than does it count as one kill. These rust buckets are so out of date that we made kills a little harder for you. Hehe." Blaze rolled his eyes as he fired his canon at 3 more Vulture droids flying by, hitting two of them but the third one flew left to doge the fire. The droid ran into chopper who shot it down, causing it to fly into the Bridge of a Munificent cruiser.

"Oh yeah, did you see that Blaze!? Sparks of beauty." Blaze chuckled and pulled behind a bomber as it approached a cruiser.

"You won't say that when we get planet side. I heard they got like 2 million droids on the ground." Blaze retorted as he watched the bombers. The bombers appeared closer and started dropping their proton bombs.

"If the Republic was smart they'd use an EMP on the ground and disable most of the army. But knowing them they'd probably use their dumb frontal assaults." Bartlett said as he entered the conversation. Bartlett fired a Proton Torpedo at the Recusant above us. The torpedo hit the middle of the ship and exploded internally inside the ship.

The proton Bombs from the bombers hit the Munificent and destroyed the ship. The bombs sunk deep into the Separatist ship and exploded internally, setting off a magazine and blowing it up. The ship flashed in an explosion but it soon went quiet when the air disappeared from the ship. "Good run." Nagase called out quickly.

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