Chapter 1 the questions

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Y/n Pov

I stood at the bridge of my personal ship the Liberty looking over something that has been going on for a while. On the tablet that I was holding was a record of my troops and planets, along with the space stations and ships that reside there. However as I stared at the tablet I noticed that all the troops and ships that reside there were just gone.

I sighed as I put the tablet down, setting it on the console that rested in front of me. I took a deep breath before letting out a frustrated sigh. This has been happening for weeks now, 10 to be precise. Twice every week a planet with all its people, troops, and ships will just disappear. The only thing left will be the planet itself and all the resources, somehow not touched.

So far I've lost a billion or so troops including force sensitives, more then 10,000 ships, and 1 cloning facility. I don't know what was happening but I have a feeling the force has something to do with it.

I felt the force spike a little in confirmation, just great the only time I'm correct about something. I sighed and rubbed a gloved hand over my face, what am I gonna do?

Taking a quick look at the tablet I noted that most if not all the planets that this is happening on were in the previously unknown regions or the outer rim, like the far outer rim. The only planet close to the core worlds where it happened was Feuicia, and that was last month. So maybe the force might start targeting core worlds.

It doesn't matter, this is a serious matter that needs to be dealt with before I have to many planets get lost or someone tries to rebel. These things could happen so I want to make sure that they don't.

Hearing footsteps behind me I turned around to see one of my captains standing there, he does a quick bow before addressing me.

"Sir, we are coming up on Colu-Tul, However we are getting reports of strange things happening on the planet. Reports state that the sky is turning green and that hyperspace is becoming impossible. We might be right on time." I nodded, the clone turned and walked away. I turned back around and stared out the window, hyperspace coming to an end.

Hyperspace becoming impossible, sky turning green. The only thing not mentioned is the ground shaking but that might be because the station contacted us and not the ground. I smirked, let's hope were on time to stop this. My main plan is to use the force in some way to stop what eve is happening, could be a worm hole for all I know.

Finally hyperspace came to a close, letting my and others eyes stare at the planet in front of us. Colu-Tul is a industrial planet that builds most of our walkers and capital ships. Amazing planet when it was found because it has so many recourses and somehow just keeps giving. Don't worry we don't just take it all we go bit by bit, it's also not really that popular among citizens so all the buildings are just filled with clones and material. Very normal planet as well with a normal blue sky and small ocean, plant life also exists but it's mostly mountains.

So it made my eyebrow raise when I saw that the entire planet was covered in a green aura instead of the usual blue.

" Lieutenant, scan the planet. I want to know what's going on." I stated without looking. I heard a quick "yes sir." Before focusing back to the planet. I reached into the force to understand what was happening, I could feel fear and curiosity coming from the clones down on the planet. I myself was concerned for the lives of the clones and my own life. If hyperspace was impossible then that means something might happen to the engines.

Not a moment later did the Lieutenant get his orders did he tell me what he found.

"Sir it appears that the planet is building up energy, and when it releases it will be the power of supernova." My eyes widened as I stared at the planet. This is impossible how could the planet survive such a blast, It's impossible. I glanced down at the floor in though for a moment in thought.

If the explosion is that of a supernova then that means it should destroy most if not all surrounding things. It doesn't make much sense really, how would that not happen. Maybe it's something to do with the.....


I head filled with pain as I fell to the floor, my whole body locked in place. I felt my muscles and bones being filled with electricity like force lighting but much more painful.

Eyes filled with a bright light, I tried pushing with the force but it pushed back harder and I was consumed with the power of the force. I closed my eyes but the light bleed passed my eyelids.

My body, still filled with pain, couldn't take the force pressure anymore and I passed out becoming a cold heap on the floor.

The members of the ships and planet soon fell the same fate, falling to the floor or falling in there seats. None could be awake for the journey across time.

Star Wars, The new Empire: part one. Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя