From Acolyte to Sith

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"Your mission is to infiltrate Y/ns mind and Terrorize him. Find out what makes him tick, and cause him Visions of destruction. Do what you must to make him suffer, that is my masters command." Dookus words were heard to all ten dark acolytes. John Kerri, the leader of the group stood in the middle of the CIS shuttle with his hood down.  His dark Sith like eyes shining through to everyone in the room.

Despite being a young adult he was a great warrior, and a tactical leader. He was the most skilled out of all of them and was a great user of battle meditation. John had bested Ventress and had barley lost to the likes of Grievous in sparing matches. John was a knight when he left the Jedi order 4 years ago to train under Dooku. Rachel Doon was the only other Padawan from the Jedi Order and Johns right hand woman.

Rachel was a skilled fighter, going toe to toe with Ventress and getting personal training from Grievous whenever the cyborg was not conquering worlds. She wasn't skilled in much else when it came to force powers but she was adapt with force Healing.

"It shall be done my Master." John bowed his head lightly before cutting if the transmission. John put his helmet and hood back on before looking around everyone in the Shuttle. Everyone was sitting down either fiddling with their Blades or meditating to prepare themselves for the mission, most in this group of Acolytes were barley above the level of Knight, their hate and rage in the Darkside being the fuels for their fires of power.

Rachel, John and another member named Bama were the original members of this unit and team. The rest had flocked in after some people came from around the galaxy. Dooku, John and Ventress had instilled basic lightsaber techniques, force abilities and basic Sith Doctrine. They weren't powerful by any means but they would be enough for the mission at hand.

"You all know the mission, I expect that you follow through with it to the letter." Johns voice was commanding as he walked down and back the middle of the shuttle. Rachel was standing off to the side with her arms crossed, she was looking at all the acolytes sitting infront of her.

She couldn't say she was friends with anyone of this team but she did have a few people she found enjoyable to talk to over the rest. Hewlett Johnson was the only other female on the team, and she showed great potential to be an amazing swordsman. Rachel would speak with her most nights about lightsaber technique and show her what she knew. Hewlett would just eat up all that she was given and wouldn't think twice about using what she learned in practice. Her only problem was that she was to eager to fight, challenging all of us to spars most days. She's getting better but her bloodlust to kill a Jedi was very strong.

Everyone else on the team while generally nice people brought nothing but their own wants and needs to the group. Time and time again Rachel had seen them sacrifice the mission to satisfy their own greed. Julius Parker broke the rules more than anyone, constantly stealing from the planets and people that the confederacy liberated. He killed anyone who spoke to him in anything resembling a disrespectful tone and went out of his way to slaughter a whole village just because a woman from that village wouldn't bed with him. The problem was he wasn't even that great with a lightsaber, being one of our weakest lightsaber duelists. John had warned him many times to keep his attitude in check but the young man wouldn't listen.

"We'll be arriving on Korriban shortly." The droid piloting the shuttle spoke. John nodded and turned back to the Acolytes.

"When we arrive we'll be walking toward the sight. Follow my command and we'll succeed. Our mission is to infiltrate the So called Emperors mind and find out what he knows at best, torture him at worst." Rachel felt amusement come from some within the group. She wasn't a fan of Torture, sometimes even against it.

Rachel was a human female, inducted within the Jedi order at 2 years old and taught its ways. Even from the beginning she found the Jedi teachings to be insulting and worthless. The way the Jedi are treated by the public and Senate like Lap dogs rather than a fighting force for good. She despised the Jedi and how blind they were to the problems going on within the galaxy.

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