Third battle of Geonosis Part 1

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1 month and 15 days until Order 66

This chapter of going to be a 4 chapter arc based on the retaking of Geonosis. These 4 chapters will than lead us to Anaxes because there will be A LOT of destruction in these chapters. I knew that Echo was the reason that Trench was beating the republic but I feel that if the Republic had lost a lot of its forces at Another battle than it would make Trenches Campaign easier. Plus I would love to show off the absolute mass numbers that the Separatists can have.

Also I just wanted a few chapters to show off the New empire. It sounds like a splendid opportunity I can not let pass. After this arc Yoda will be visited by Qui-Gon which will than lead to the attack of Mandalore. Don't worry as any character that weren't flushed out in this story will get their own arcs and story's in the next book. Sophia and Rachel are definitely some that need flushed out. But enough rambling, leave a comment and enjoy the chapter.

Lord Sidious sat in his office thinking. His mind was a blur as he rested from all the senate meeting he had been through today. Sidious was thinking of the end Goal of this war, the final solution for the Jedi and the Republic. He was the orchestrator of this petty war after all and he has deceived and killed many in his way. However as the Dark Lord of the Sith turned and looked out the window in his office did he think about the true end.


Sidious was obsessed with not dying. Sidious did not want the rule of two to continue, rather he wished for it to end with him. Sidious will have the last word and his word will be final. Skywalker would be the final Apprentice in the rule of two. The Dark lord thought of old times with his master, Darth Plageuis the wise.

Sidious smiled to himself as he remembered the night where he became the Master and killed the old fool that was his master. Plageuis tried to break the rule of two by keeping Sidious close to him, sharing his plans and thoughts. Sidious only sat and listened as to not show that truly didn't care. The only thing Sidious cared most about their relationship was the key to Immortality. If Plageuis figured out how to keep himself alive for centuries than Sidious would never be able to kill him and take his place.

However even after killing his master Sidious is no more closer to finding out the key to immortality than when he was alive. Sidious grumbled and rubbed his forehead as he concentrated on one thing...keeping himself steady.

The Jedi had investigated into Sifo Dyas recently, finding his ship and lightsaber. Sidious had been furious about the discovery and ordered his apprentice to fix his mistake. Not only had the clone sparked suspicious in the Jedi but than Sifo Dyas had sparked even more suspicious. After Anakin and Obi-wan had discovered that Dooku had been a reason for the clones existence the Jedi kept silent about the matter. They were in no situation to accuse anyone of anything without reasonable proof. The public hated the Jedi and if they accused someone of creating the army that was in the senate than that would be disastrous for them. So the Jedi kept quiet.

It's been almost 6 months since the New Empire has arrived and after finding and meeting their Emperor, Sidious's curiosity grew about the end game.

He was powerful...very powerful, maybe even as much as Palpatine was but he was so young. He used a lightsaber not like a cocky padawan but like a deadly and sufficient Killer, and a very well trained one at that. He made jokes and laughed but he had this aura of wisdom and knowledge that only someone as old as Yoda would have. Sidious had a high suspicion that Y/n was lying about his age, and that he himself had unlocked the key to the one thing that Sidious dreamed of.

Maybe he was overthinking and the Screaming voices of the senate had finally gotten to him. However Sidious knew that it would take a lot to Beat Y/n and his army. It would take millions of resources and hard work, but it could be done.

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