To change fate.

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"Why had you wished to see me Master Yoda?" I asked as I stood in front of the Grandmaster. Yoda sat still in his curved chair facing me. I stood patiently as I waited for the grand master to tell me why he had called me into his private room.

Yoda had sent me a message asking for me personally. He specifically stated that it was a private matter and wasn't to be discussed with anyone but myself and Yoda. I had agreed, of course—but I was still wondering what the Grandmaster wished to talk to me about. He was a very knowledgeable creature, as being alive as long as he had would help him in that regard. Even being close to his age I was still finding myself hoping to hear Yodas opinion on some force related issues. My Father is over 2 thousand years old but he never achieved the ability to see the Force like Yoda did. Not even I reached that level of knowledge of power.

This is why I've been forced to tread Carefully around Yoda. Unlike Sidious who can be manipulated by a few words of deceit, Yoda is not so easily swayed. The Grandmaster would either take my words wholeheartedly or forget them in an instant. I knew not what he wished to speak about but there were small ideas.

"Speak with you about a certain matter, I must...hmm." Yoda motioned for a chair opposite of his and I nodded before taking a seat. It was silent for a few more moments before he spoke again. "Know of the cosmic force, do you?" His voice was obviously hiding a true motive, something that he wasn't ready to reveal yet. I leaned forward with my elbows on my knees and hummed.

"I know of the the cosmic force. Many force users were able to retain their consciousness after death and remain in the cosmic force. Many...Jedi were able to." Images of Yoda, Obi-wan Kenobi and Anakin filled my mind of said Jedi that had joined the cosmic force. Even Qui-Gon had came to mind, even if he was not fully attached to the cosmic force. I wonder if this is why Yoda is asking me about this...had Qui-gon talked to him?

"Some Jedi, able to cross over to the cosmic force they were. It would seem an old friend of mine had done so as well. Curious on your opinion I was, about weather this was a trick or not." I nodded as the real truth came out. It would seem That Qui-Gon had talked to Yoda, although I shouldn't know that. I grinned a little as I straightened my posture and rested one elbow on my knee, letting my left hand lay on my lap.

"You are curious about weather or not you are being tricked by the Sith?" Yoda nodded and I sighed. "Well if the Sith were to appear before you, and took your friends would be easily seen by someone like yourself. A Padawan would take the bait, even knights would—however a powerful master such as yourself wouldn't be fooled. The Sith would come almost as if they were asking for help and perhaps would try and appeal to your heart. However there will be something wrong with them, such as a gritty voice that doesn't sound like their own...or maybe if they appeared physically it would be as if they weren't themselves." My brief explanation simplified the process. I only did so because the idea of speaking about the subject in its entirety would be a very long time, and I have things to do. Although perhaps I could delay them.

"A trick then you believe it was not?" Yoda asked. I put a hand to my chin as I leaned back in the chair. I do not believe that Qui-Gon was a trick used by Sidious  and Dooku. Dooku was considering his ideals after our discussion, and readjusting.

"I don't think it was a trick Master Yoda. Whoever this friend of yours is, I believe they truly wished to speak with you. What did they say?" I asked. Yoda hummed and brought a hand to his his chin, a Jedi Trait I've seen in many Others.

"Qui-Gon Gins voice spoke to me, yes. Reluctant to speak to the council I am, about this small matter." I nodded and sat in thought for a few moments as more details came to light.

If Qui-Gon truly had spoken with Yoda again, I wonder what he would have said this time around. If Yoda is to set off again to find his inner self, than perhaps I can go with him this time and see what he had seen. Perhaps I could help Yoda...or derail his ability to join the cosmic force.

Star Wars, The new Empire: part one. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ