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"So you mean to tell me that there is a whole Empire out there in the unknown regions, and we never knew about it. Also we attacked him and could be at war with him?" Mace Windu asked, pinching the bridge of his nose. Anakin skywalker rubbed the back of his neck while nodding slowly, his apprentice had a shocked look on her face as she stared at her master. His face was bruised and he had a slight limp. She hadn't seen her master go from excited to frowning so quickly.

"Yeah that's about right, and he also kinda destroyed 3 of our ships and numerous fighters and bombers. His fleet is menacing to say the least Master Windu." Anakin explained.

Currently the Jedi were contacting the temple and the chancellor to tell them of the situation that has unfolded in the last hour or two. At first the reactions were mixed, with the chancellor thinking it was just some pirates and the Council thinking they were Huts.

However as the story went on and ships literally being torn apart came up the reactions were as followed.

Horror, fear, anger, Acceptance etc.

The council piped up at hearing about what the disturbance in the force might be, and the Chancellor was curious after finding out there was another faction out there.

And that's where we are now.

"Oh I highly doubt they did all that without even one of their ships being destroyed, are you sure you have the numbers correct?" Palpatine asked, waving a hand in disbelief.

Anakin shook his head and pulled up a replay of the battle, which showed no casualties on the imperial side. Palpatines mouth snapped shut as he now payed full attention, a certain gleam in his eye.

"You said he was force sensitive, does he know how to use it and how old is he?" Windu asked, looking over to Obi-wan. Said master Hung his head as he rubbed his beard in almost embarrassment.

"By the looks of it he is a master of the force and Lightsaber combat, as for his age I will have to guess he in his twenties." Obi-Wan guessed, pulling a chip from his pocket and putting it into the holo board. Suddenly a picture of said "twenty" year old popped up, a smirk on his face. Windu scoffed and glared at Obi-Wan.

"You must be joking, he is the Emperor of powerful faction we've never heard of, and apparently he is a master of lightsaber and force combat. I find that hard to believe." Windu stated with a dismissive hand. Palpatine however stared at the boy with a curious gaze before putting in his opinion.

"Perhaps he could be altering his appearance and making himself look younger, I don't know how a force sensitive would do such a thing though." He said, making a good guess. Windu nodded at that.

"Could be, did he say what part of the force he represented?" He asked.

"I couldn't really tell but if I had to guess I'd say he was a Grey, not Grey Jedi because he could use force lighting. Which reminds me, he made us a deal." Obi-Wan started. Windu and Yoda, who had been present but did not spread, looked at each other before asking.

"What deal?"

Obi-Wan opened his mouth to speak but a voice cut him off, Y/Ns voice.

"A deal which is no longer available." Y/N said as he stepped in from the shadows behind Obi-Wan and Plo Koon. They visibly jumped and drew their lightsabers. He didn't seem fazed as he stood with a smirk on his face.

Y/n pov.

"So you are the Emperor, it's a pleas.." I cut off Windu with a hand, he stopped speaking and I stared at him with a straight face.

"I've been listening to you talking bad about my abilities for the whole five minutes, don't act nice now that I decided to astroproject myself here." I stated firmly, making my point clear. I turned away from the Horrified Master and looked at the smirking, albeit small, Palpatine.

"Now it's a pleasure to meet you Chancellor, when I arrive on Coruscant we can discuss what your republic has to offer, or more likely what I have to offer your republic." I said with the best smile I could Muster, I even did a small bow. Palpatine followed my actions and did a small quick bow as well.

"It's a pleasure as well, your Grace." Palpatine said, trying not to let the sneer come out of his lips. I can tell he's the only one who wants to be called that, give it a year and a half, I think we're in year 3 of the war so I don't know. Ashoka Tano is still here but she looks older so maybe she might get kicked out of here soon, and then she can found the rebellion with Senator Organa.

Which actually gives me an idea, if memory serves me right then the ghost Crew become part of the bigger rebellion and actually leave big blows in the empire. However though Darth Vader teaches Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus AKA Caleb Dume and Jedi master, Padawan at the time, Ezra Bridger a lesson in fear. If I can somehow get some Jedi Masters To live through Order 66 then they could train the two so they could last a bit longer against the Inquisitors.

That's one of my plans for when the Empire takes over, some of the others you'll have to figure out but my plan at the moment is to win the hearts of the people as I had done before. This time though Ill have to be careful because I want to win the people's hearts without making it look like I wouldn't want to leave the empire, yet. When the rebellion gets at its strongest I'll break free from the empire and join the rebellion, Crush the rebellion in swift attacks and then show the galaxy the kindness that I'm known for. I will have the galaxy and make it as well as I had before.

Simple plan (shakes head) and hopefully affective (shakes rapidly) I swear to you author if you make this difficult I will reset this story.

Screw you buddy this is my story.

Guess who your main character is though. Now come on we have to fix this fourth wall, Ill get some glass and you get the tape.

(Begrudgingly complies) fuck you.

Love ya to.

Now where was I, oh yes.

"When will you expect to arrive on Corascant?" Palpatine asked. I put a hand to my chin in thought.

"Probably, now." I said as I dissipated the Astroprojection, the shocked faces of Windu and Palpatine were the last thing I saw before I opened my real eyes and looked out of my bridge ship. I chuckled to myself as I soon watched as 4 Venators come out of hyperspace and sent me codes to not get shot up by the fleet, I doubt it'd matter.

"Prepare my shuttle, bring the troops." I said to no one in particular.

If this plan goes right then in little then 20 years I will have this galaxy, however I will need to make friends in high places for that. Which regrettably means the Jedi, I don't hate the Jedi but from what I can read the Jedi around this time we're lazy and corrupted, only serving the republic and not its citizens. There were some noticeable exceptions like Master Fay and Plo Koon, who cared deeply about the people. It is those Jedi that will live to build the new order when the old one is destroyed, but for the Jedi Sentinels who care about nothing but power and corruption they will parish.

Walking down to the hanger wouldn't take to long but I'm a little impatient so I used force teleport and teleported myself and ten guards with me. I stood in front of my shuttle with a smile on my face.

"Let's move out.

"Yes sir."

The ten guards along with 10 force sensitive clones stepped into my ship. I saw 3 shuttles getting filled with clones, 90 should do. I chuckled to myself, this should be fun.

With that I got into the shuttle and it lifted off, heading for the surface.

Star Wars, The new Empire: part one. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें