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Y/n Pov. 

Palpatine stood still unwavering in his chair, his eyes were a stone cold contrast to his warm and cheerful persona I had seen earlier. Mas Amedda stood shocked on Palpatines left, his eyes open wide and his mouth open slightly. The two clone guards looked unfazed but feeling there force presence I could tell they were shocked and ready to shoot me.

I stared at Palpatine with a similar expressions that he was giving me, not as cold but I was trying to show I was being truthful. I let my force presence leak out that I was being truthful and I could tell that Palpatine noticed.

"How do you know all of this?" He asked, his voice turning raspy and gritty. His eyes turned orange as his his force presence went dark. I felt a wave of the Dark side hit me and try to overcome my defenses, but I didn't let them in. Sidious is strong and would most likely overrun a normal Jedi but I am no Jedi.

"I am Grand Master Y/n of the Grey force Users, I am Emperor of the New Empire and I am from the future. About 700 years into the future to be frank." Sidious gave no emotion away but I could feel curiosity coming from the old man.

"That's impossible, there is no way you are from the future. I say we call the Jedi back in and have you arrested for such accusatio—" Palpatine held up a hand to silence Amedda. I smirked to myself as I have his attention.

"Pray tell me, what is my future without your involvement?" Sidious asked, his eyes burning with hate and curiosity.

"You destroy the republic and make it into an Empire, you build massive ships and conquer the galaxy, trampling anyone in your way. Anakin skywalker becomes your apprentice but with a slight drawback as he is burned heavily on Mustafar after a fight with his Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, he is named Darth Vader and given a suit that keeps him alive. You keep this empire for over 20 years, killing most of the remaining Jedi and even building your Death Star. However after many years small groups of rebellion are forged that slowly merge into a full and large scale rebellion. They blow up your Death Star and send the Empire into bankruptcy, soon after the rebellion starts campaigns that batter the empire and eventually lead to your death on a second Death Star that you build. The empire goes into disarray and in your absence destroys itself in a year." I finished, letting out a sigh.

Palpatine was silent for many moments, processing the new information given to him. Mas Amedda was silent as well and didn't speak, not wanting to disrupt his masters thinking.

I can't imagine how many thoughts are running through his head at the moment, it's like getting told your life story by someone who you've never met but yet it sounds to real to not be fake. I can understand his quietness at the moment. However now seemed like the best time to add my part in.

"Your empire was built on the Tarkin doctrine, which states that as long as the people fear you they won't act up, however the opposite happened and everyone started to join the rebellion. They did this because you ordered Alderaan to be destroyed." I said, Sidious raised an eyebrow.

"This is why I ask that you let me join you. My empire back in my time is perfect, no pockets of rebellion at all. All I ask this that you run the empire however you like but let me do efforts helping citizens and military alike and keep them from hating you, All I want is to keep the planets that I already own, you can use them for projects if you'd like but I'd like to still run them how I did before your empire." I spoke softly, hoping to make Palpatine convinced.

Sidious stood up and walked around his table to look out of the Window to his office in thought. I stood up as well and slowly walked behind him with my hands across my back. I heard him sigh and turn around, his eyes filled with a new purpose.

Star Wars, The new Empire: part one. Where stories live. Discover now