Chapter 2, questions answered.

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Forefather, raid , detroyer x. Artois, Remixly, Furor, The Devastator.

I felt my body ache as my eyes creaked open, It took me a second to look around before understanding something wasn't right. I looked around the room, my neck craning as I attempted to look behind me as well.

Wasn't I standing a moment ago, Also this isn't a comfy bed.

Suddenly everything came flooding back to me In an instant, I shot up from the ground and stared outside, hoping my worst fears weren't true. However though I was pleasantly shocked to see the planet was still there, along with the space station.

My eyebrow raised as I stared at the station and the planet, but that soon turned into a great full smile as I thanked the force for being merciful.

I soon watched as the crew and my guards soon woke up as well. First one of guards rose to his feet and rubbed his head.

"Sir what happened?" He asked groggily. I chuckled and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Well we're not dead, that a start, but it seems like we just took a quick nap." I smirked as the guard stared at me through his visor then out the window, he then lowered his head and sighed.

"Kriffing force." I chuckled softly before tabbing the back of his head. He mumbled a quick apology.

"Don't say that, at least we're not dead, or worse, crying out in pain as we're digested by a rancor." The guard shivered before letting out a quiet laugh.

"Yeah that sounds awful sir."

I smiled and actually slapped his helmet, he held his hand where I hit and and stared at me in confusion.

"Gregor, you know you do not to have call me sir, you've earned that right." He nodded before muttering something under his breath, I used force hearing and heard him say, "as you wish, your excellency." I smiled and patted his shoulder with a smirk.

I removed my hand from his shoulder and put them behind my back, waiting a few moments for everyone to collect there bearings. I used the force to calm everyone's mind with a simple form of battle meditation. I used it all across the ships and station for maximum affectedness, slowly but surely all the minds of my men started to slowly calm in short time.

"Sir I have some dire news." A clone, one of my Lieutenants, told me. I turned away from the window and walked toward the clone who was standing in front of a Monitor.

"What am I looking at?" I asked, not understanding what's on the screen in front of me.

The officer pointed to many of dots that were spread all over the screen. "Sir those are ships in the Felucia system, some are ours while some are not. Give me a moment I'm still getting readings." I nodded. I tried looking at the dots to get a closer look when another officer got my attention.

"Sir I can't get in contact with the relay station on Naboo. It's just gone, along with hundreds of other planets." He stated, sounding astonished. I narrowed my eyes and walked over to him before looking at his screen.

My eyes scanned the screen seeing what I had just been told. The station on Naboo was just gone, along with significant other planets. I sighed as the numbers kept going up in lost planets, it seems we might be where the other planets are.

I scanned at a screen next to the counting one and noticed that it had counted 21 planets with familiar signatures to our empire, which means they were all contacted and accounted for. Good.

I heard a beeping sound from the left monitor and looked at it. My eyes widened as the numbers rounded in the thousands. I groaned loudly before rubbing a hand over my face.

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