Horned brothers

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I'm not gonna skip over all of the bombing, but will skim threw some parts of it. To make it simple, the trail will still take place however.

As soon as the explosion went off I used a force shield around the entire room, any debris hit the shield and bounced off without much trouble. I felt threw the force where the explosion had come from and was astounded to find out that it came from the Jedi temple, than how did it happen here to? I felt threw the force again and felt that another explosion had hit the senate building at the same time, smaller but still doing damage.

I felt lived perish the instant the woods explosion occurred, my face forming into a frown at the feeling of force sensitives dying as well. The force vibrated in pain as the beings killed stung the force greatly; I also felt the dark side spike as well with the death of Jedi. I gripped the debris harder causing small cracks to appear in the concrete.

Once the debris stopper I let go of the shield but kept one around myself just in case. I looked around the room and saw the shock troopers rising from the floor while holding their heads, Tarkin rose from the floor as well while holding his shoulder while Palpatine....well Palpatine was holding some debris with the force and as soon as he felt me drop my shield he dropped the objects with the force. They fell to the floor and shattered upon impact.

"What. Was. That?" He asked coldly as he looked around the room. I went to answer but I felt a sting in my hand which caused me to wince. I looked down at my right hand and saw that blood was leaking threw the glove. I felt my anger rise as I removed my glove and saw that a part of my hand was split open by some debris that I didn't react to in time. Almost as quickly as I saw the open cut I used force heal and healed the wound instantly causing no scar to form, whoever did this is going to pay the price.

"I don't know, but what ever just happened appeared to have happened here and the Jedi temple. I sense the Jedi temple has been in an explosion as well." I said. My voice was low as I put the glove back on my hand and my hands behind my back, my glare not residing on Palpatine but on the floor. Palpatine looked at me and folded his hands on the desk.

"Go investigate and tell me all that you can find, who ever has done this did it without my knowledge and yours. Go now." I nodded. I turned to Tarkin and gave a farewell nod before using force teleport. As soon as I used the ability I found myself in the Jedi temple. With my hands behind my back still and an anger inside of me. I turned to look at the senate building and saw a smoke trail come from the building as well, I shook my head and frowned as thoughts of murder entered my mind. I pushed those thoughts down however and I turned back to the temple which had a giant  smoking hole in one of its hangers....and the same hanger where my shuttle was.

I brought a shaking hand to my forehead and prayed to the force that of my ship wasn't damaged. Even though the ship is made of Phrik I really wouldn't put it past the kyber crystals powering the ship to go off any moment if the cantonment field is ruptured. This would also destroy the entire temple and kill everyone inside so let's hope that doesn't happen.

I ascended the stairs of the temple and as soon as I got to the top many Jedi turned toward me with shocked expressions as my anger soared threw the roof. Most knights I past backed away while padawans hid behind their masters in fear. The masters looked like they wanted to tell me to cool off but when I glared at them as they approached each they backed off slowly.

Barris Offee had done this as well during the last year of the war but I'm not sure she did it this exact day, I thought she would do it later but perhaps I changed things. If it was her that did this though than it won't be long before I will find her. She was but a padawan and posed no threat to me but if it isn't her than I have a problem.

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