The ones, Part 2

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The son landed in the middle of a room with a thud, he let me go and I rubbed my arms. That little trip was fun but man it hurt, didn't know getting flown by your arms was painful. I heard the son fly away soon after and I raised an eyebrow, he must not like the Father much.

I looked around the room that he put me in and was marveled at the floating rocks and structures. I smirked as I looked at the whole building itself, truly it was an impressive structure.

I wonder what it will be like to meet the Father, he seems to be very knowledgeable and powerful so maybe I can convince him to believe me and try to stay alive. I guess we'll have to see because I can't control the feelings of literal god like beings.

"Ah yes, the fracture in the force." I heard a voice behind me. I turned and saw an older man sitting crisscrossed in front of a structure. I walked forward and sat on my knees infront of him.

"And you are the Father, yes?" I asked softly. I know this is a being I can't just force down with power, if I remember he is the balance in the force itself. "From what I have heard you are balance of both Light and Dark, is this true?"

"My power stems from both yes, but you draw your power from it and through me. You are an interesting case for you use both sides of the force, and are much older then you appear." My eyes widened as he stared at me. His Grey and black eyes sending a shiver down my spine.

"Well, I would say congratulations but it seems gods are known for their knowledge." I said while chuckling. The Father chuckled as well although less then mine.

"While our power is great, we can still be killed and because of that we are not gods." He pointed out. I nodded in understanding and turned my head toward the sky.

"Is something on your mind?" He asked. I cast my eyes downward before bringing them back up towards him.

"Yes, I have something to tell you, and no it's not that i'm from the future because you already know that. No the news a bring is very severe and you need to hear it or you could perish." I said urgently. The Fathers eyes narrowed on me but he kept a calm expression.

"Then please, tell me Immediately." I nodded.

Taking a deep breath I told the father carefully and slowly how the future plays out with his death and Abeloths return, I tell him how she causes destruction to the galaxy and almost takes it over. I tell him how my Father battled her and, sadly, died because of it.

I never did say it but my father was a powerful force user who had kept himself alive since even before the clone wars, he used the same means that I do. In fact if I'm right he should be with the Chiss, helping them build ships and build there knowledge of the far Outsiders.

My father always had the plan to rule the galaxy with only one family, a family that could stay alive forever. It was hard for our family to hide from the sith and Jedi over the thousand years that went on but over time my father learned to not hide in the shadows but show ourselves and build society. My father by now should be over 1000+ years old, and as smart as ever. He was a smarter man then he was a fighting man, I got my fighting from my mother but about her later.

I'm surprised my father hasn't tried to send the Chiss near my Territory to investigate, which could get me Thrawn. In due I will tie all loose ends and maybe with my fathers help we can shape this new galaxy.

I explained to the Father everything that happens, excluding Anakins fall and rise in the force. I tell him everything and he takes everything in all 5 minutes.

After I Finished explaining the events of the Future he sat still, his mind still processing the information. I took a moment to take a breath and relax as the Father sat and thought.

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