Fluff chapter!

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Hey guys! So those last two chapters were really heavy and kinda boring so to take a break from the story this I just gonna be a little side story

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Hey guys! So those last two chapters were really heavy and kinda boring so to take a break from the story this I just gonna be a little side story. It has nothing to do with the plot of the actual one! Just fun little fluff stories!

"Hey" you nudged Kyoya with your foot.
He ignored you, intently still watching the tv.
"Heyyyy" you were feeling particularly needy and wanted some attention.

The two of you were just hanging out but Kyoyas definition of hanging out was sitting on the couch in his room watching the evening news. The couch itself was about three cushions long and you took up two of those cushions laying down.

You pushed him with your feet again but a little harder.
He caught it with his hand and turned to you, "yes?" He raised an eyebrow
"Move over I want some more room to lay down." You giggled at him pushing his arms with your feet.
"But you already have more room than me-" he complained but you already were laying your feet across his lap.

"Ahh there we go, much more comfortable." You tilted your head back to relax.
"Yeah for you...." Kyoya was gonna just complain when he suddenly had a idea,

He took his glasses off and set them on the coffee table, but you didn't notice because you were still watching the tv.
He brushed his fingers on the soles of your feet. Dragging them from the heal up to the toes. You wiggled them a little but didn't look over.
He then began moving his fingers back and forth tickling your feet. Your popped your head up, "ahhh what are you doing?!"

He gave you his trade mark devilishly handsome smile and you knew you were in for it. He kept tickling your feet and your tried to pull them back but he had them in his grasp.
"Wait ahajsjsjaahaha, stop! Ajahhhhahah!" You tried yelling at him in between laughs.

"What do you expect me to do when you out your feet just right on top of me. And you were taking up too much room on the couch." He shrugged.

You managed to kick till he let go and you pounced on him going for his stomach where you knew he was most ticklish. He tried to hold in laughs as you attack his stomach tickling him until his face was purple.

The two of you barley noticed that you were on top of him until you stopped ticking him and looked at his face. You were so close you could feel his breath on your lips.

"Uhhh, Kyoya..." you whispered before he leaned forward and pressed a long kiss to your lips. He placed both hands on your face pulling you closer to him as you kissed him back. He continued to kiss you on your neck and your cheek then back to your mouth as your hands slowly roamed back to his stomach and began ticking him again.

He began laughing in the middle of the kiss and pulled back, "wha- hey (y/n) what'd you do that for?!" He complained. He was pouting. He wanted to keep kissing you.

"Ohhh poor baby. Did you want to keep kissing me?" You taunted him.
He hated admitting things like this so he just turned away and shrugged but you still were on his lap.

"Hmmmm okaayyy, I guess if that's what you want..." and you slowly began to climb off of him.
But Kyoya really wanted to hold you again and couldn't contain it. He grabbed you before you climbed off and pulled you back onto his chest.

He kissed the top of your head and whispered in your ear, "*sigh* I'm tired of tickles. Let's just stay here.... and share the couch this time."
"Hmmmm" you hummed in agreement.
As he wrapped both arms around your back and you layer your head on his chest the two of you fell asleep in each others arms.

Anyway I thought this was cute so tell me if y'all want stuff like this when the chapters get to be too much
Thanks for reading (;

Word count: 698

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