Ch.38 The girl in the red dress

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(⚠️TW elements of self harm and depression in certain chapters⚠️)(y/n) = your name(L/n) = last name (N/n)= nickname Bold and underlined = authors note'Italicized with apostrophe is internal dialogue'"Quotation marks is external dialogue"I do not o...

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(⚠️TW elements of self harm and depression in certain chapters⚠️)
(y/n) = your name
(L/n) = last name
(N/n)= nickname
Bold and underlined = authors note
'Italicized with apostrophe is internal dialogue'
"Quotation marks is external dialogue"
I do not own ouran high school host club or any of the characters in it

You very much considered skipping class via any way possible, but to be honest the thought of it stressed you out. So you went to school Monday morning ready to face kyoya if it came to that. He's a year older so you had no classes together and you knew his usual route so avoiding him shouldn't be too hard. But when you settled in homeroom there seemed to be a sort of subtle commotion among your classmates. The girls were on their feet talking in groups whispering things to each other and looking at each others phones.

It became so much of a deal that you eventually asked. And their answer was your worst nightmare.

"Oh it's about Kyoya Ootori and his families Galla." One of the girls answer. "The opening to the Galla specifically"

"Yeah! And he brought a date to the opening!" A second girl piped in. Many of the girls faces contorted at the thought of kyoya dating anyone.

"Not only did he bring a date but the girl he brought totally went crazy.From what we saw she got completely wasted and made a scene." The girl laughed explaining it to you.

Your throat went dry. "Saw? You guys were there?" You ask trying to play along. You didn't temper seeing any girls from school there but you were so preoccupied with other stuff that it's completely possible that you didn't see them at all.

"No, we wish though. There's just one video someone took. It's terrible quality but it shows majority of what happened."

You don't know whether to feel relieved or absolutely mortified. The one thing that does settle your nerves is that none of the girls have any clue as to who his date was. The camera quality was too low and Kyoya won't tell them when they ask.

"He won't?!" You yell in shock then clamp your hand over your mouth. You are surprised that he didn't just sell you out right then and there. If you were him you might have.

Your reaction takes the girls a back but they just nod their heads. "Yeah... he insists that the person was just a rando that he had to deal with."

You don't know how to feel about this information. 'Is kyoya hiding that it's you for your sake or his?' You ponder while making your way to your seat. Either way this wasn't great for you.

If the girls ever find out there's no telling what could happen. That sounds crazy, but you have found over the past year that the girls here are very overprotective of some of the boys at ouran. Kyoya being at the top of that list next to Suho.

You are relieved to remember that only actual proof of you being there besides kyoya's account was the photos you took on your phone. And you don't plan on sharing that any time soon.

The entire day was spent keeping your head low. You didn't want anyone putting two and two together about your appearance now and the one in the video. Although with the big dress and styled hair and makeup you look decently different.

You had a classmate send you the video during sixth period. It was just as  atrocious as you thought. Thankfully the quality is just as bad as everyone says but you can still clearly see the commotion.
You standing at the center of the floor, a crowd gathers as you call for kyoya. Then you yelling at kyoya as he calmly tries to handle the situation. And then you puke on his shoes and faint into his arms. The video cuts off right after kyoya scoops you up bridal style and carries you out the room.

Just as mortifying as you remember.

You don't bother trying to focus the rest of class because all you can do is agonize over how terribly cringe the entire video was. It was like an out of body experience watching yourself in the video. Like it was someone else entirely and you are just some bystander that gets to watch this poor girls life go to ruins. But you're not someone else. You are her.

During the afternoon you realize you have the same lunch as kyoya. But the cafeteria is so big you have no doubt you can avoid him.

You were wrong. You run into him almost immediately. Right as you open the doors there he is: leaving the cafeteria as you enter.

You brace yourself for the unknown, but there's nothing. He walks swiftly past you without a word. Not even a glance to the side. And you can't help but stare.

You didn't need to avoid him because it turns out he's pretending you don't even exist.

This makes you angry. Sure you were trying to avoid him but it pisses you off he'd do the same.

After school you don't go to Music Room 3. You go home.

It's the first time you've done that in months.
It felt weird and out of place, like your body was carrying you in the wrong direction.

You were grounded from your phone and the club so if Haruhi was worried you never found out.

Haruhi eventually finds you during lunch the next day already semi aware of the situation. You spill your guts to her and she has nothing but empathy for you.

"Getting drunk. That was your fault. And a stupid one at that" She can never tell a lie. Always painfully truthful.
"But" she continues "what lead you to drink wasn't your fault. It's kyoyas. 100%."

You are glad to get Haruhis support. At least one person was in your side. But not till after she had a good laugh at the video. Especially the part where you knock some lady down on your way to see kyoya. And the part where you barf all over his shoes.

The next couple of days carry on the exact same. Kyoya keeping his distance from you. Haruhi only able to see you at lunch and you going straight home without a word.

One thing that Haruhi did point out was that you never took off the golden bracelet Kyoya had gifted you. You wear it to school. Everyday.

You weren't completely sure why. The only way you can phrase it is that if you get rid of the bracelet that's it. Your relationship with kyoya is permanently over before it even began. But by keeping it on you get to latch onto hope that he might come back and try to sort things out with you.

Because despite the anger you feel for him you miss him. His everyday presence in your life can't be replaced by anyone. So it makes you sad to see that your presence obviously is replaceable because he doesn't give you even a look for two weeks.

Then halfway through week three your dad lifts the grounding. He gives your phone back and trusts you enough to make the right decisions with Kyoya and the club.

And you're glad he does so because your head has cleared. You now know the right thing to do.

Kyoya x Female ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat