Ch.1 "what club?"

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(⚠️TW elements of self harm and depression in certain chapters⚠️)(y/n) = your name(L/n) = last name Bold and underlined = authors note'Italicized with apostrophe is internal dialogue'"Quotation marks is external dialogue"I do not own ouran high sc...

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(⚠️TW elements of self harm and depression in certain chapters⚠️)
(y/n) = your name
(L/n) = last name
Bold and underlined = authors note
'Italicized with apostrophe is internal dialogue'
"Quotation marks is external dialogue"
I do not own ouran high school host club or any of the characters in it

It was a beautiful afternoon, with the sun up and the roses in full bloom, you couldn't resist sitting in the garden for lunch. You didn't have anything like this back at your old middle school, 'these damn rich people' you sneered to yourself. It was your newest favorite thing to say after hearing your closest friend at Ouran say it constantly.

Your closest friend was Haruhi Fujioka, she's super cool. So sweet and friendly. Always giving you the benefit of the doubt even when you mess up. There was one thing kinda off when you met her, she was dressed as a dude. Like full on male uniform. Which you didn't question, 'girl does what she's gotta do to feel comfortable' you thought to yourself.
But it stayed in the back of your mind, how everyone referred to her as a he. Even though you've met with her outside of school and she dresses like a girl. You just assumed maybe non-binary, but then again everyone calls her a he so maybe she's hiding it. But whatever the case you tried to stay away from pronouns as not to stir up trouble. You just rolled with it.

Anyway, of course you had to drag her outside to eat lunch with you. You both bonded over your mutual discomfort to being the "poor" person on campus. Uniforms were too expensive  for you, since you got into the school with lottery money your dad won. He used majority of it on tuition for the next three years. Leaving not a lot of wiggle room for uniforms or other things. So you just wore your nicest button down shirt and slacks you could find.

That on top of your hairstyle it made you look a little less feminine but it didn't matter to you. Your thought process was, 'well, If their gonna judge me then there's no point in trying to put on a show for them. They'll see what they want to see and I don't care either way. Those assholes won't get to me.'

"Man this is such a nice day." You say while tilting your head back as you lean against the steps leading up to the school.
Haruhi hums in agreement. "And i don't have any clubs after school today, wanna hangout?" You ask her.
"Ah- sorry I cant. I've got an after school club today. Maybe the weekend?" She grinned guiltily, knowing she always turns down your requests to hangout every day of the school week.

"Ahhhhh, come on man! You always say that! And then you never tell me what club or let me come visit." You whined
"Yeah, and  I told you why. Your one of my only friends that's NORMAL the people I hangout with in this club are..... weird." She stated, telling you the same old thing every time.

"These guys can't be that weird...." you look up to see her rolling her eyes. "You have no idea"
"Damn rich people" you giggle. You both burst out laughing. This was good. You liked spending time with Haruhi but you wanted to know who the were the people taking up majority of your guys's hangout time.

"Look Haruhi, I'm either gonna follow you there after school or you just take me" you raise your eyebrows at her mischievously.
You looked up to see the wheels in her head turning, she was definitely weighing all her choices. "Ugggghhhh, fiiinnneee!" She finally concedes to your pestering. "But you have to promise me two things. One," she held up one up finger, "this will not become a normal thing." She flipped up her second finger, "number two, you will not turn out as bad as the guys I hangout with." She looked dead serious.

"Yeah yeah, you know me. I would never." You laughed giving her a wide grin. Finally she smiled too as you finished your lunch while watching the big fancy fountain spray crystal blue water onto the Lilly pads floating in the fountain.

Time skip to the end of the day

You packed up from your last class and met Haruhi in her home room. She was busy filling out the rest of her homework before she was ready to go. She popped up out of her  chair and lead you down the long, grand hallways. Filled with expensive looking paintings of people you didn't know. And vases that looked like they were worth more than your own house. You didn't dare touch any of them. You weren't gonna be the poor soul who has to pay for one of those. No, no, no.

You walked in silence, lugging your backpacks up winding staircases and ginormous ballrooms that were unsurprising empty, as most of these extravagant rooms went untouched.

You admired the craftsman ship of the walls and the architecture and just everything. You hate to admit it but you genuinely think this place is beautiful. Granted,school to the brattiest kids alive but still beautiful. Your favorite thing was the windows. Weird right? They were just so.... big. You could see how far the sky stretched in every direction. You could spend so long just staring out the windows watching the birds. You sometimes wish you could just fly away....

Before you knew it Haruhi had stopped in front of an old music room. Music room number three. "Okay, now please don't get weirded out by any of my friends. If they try to hit on you, that's fine it's normal. If a child runs out you don't be scared. Just agree to eat cake with him. If you see any twins doing shady stuff, don't look twice that's also normal. And if a big scary guy in glasses try's to intimidate you, don't get scared he'll go away if you turn your back on him" she explained.

Your eyes went wide, 'what the hell kinda club does Haruhi belong to?!' You wondered
"Okay, ready?" You shook your head and she proceeded to open the elegant double doors to music room number three to see what kind of club waited behind it.

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