Ch.18 Shopping Date

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You were still putting on your makeup when you heard the doorbell ring

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You were still putting on your makeup when you heard the doorbell ring. You yelled to your brother to get it, "oh shit- hey! Yakuru! Get the door! That's my friend!"

"Ugghhh fine" you heard footsteps slowly trudge over to the door and then open.

Yakeru opened the door to Kyoya waiting calmly.
Yakeru was your older brother who just graduated highschool. You two had a good relationship. He was just always skeptical of who you had over since the middle school incident. He's sorta protective just like your dad.

"Who are you?" Yakeru asked skeptically. Kyoya flashed his ever so polite and charming smile that caught Yakeru off guard.

"Hi, I'm Kyoya. I'm in a club with (y/n). I'm here to pick her up for some shopping and work we need to finish for a clubs activity." He explained.

Yakeru not 100% buying it started interrogating him, "so are you her upperclassman? What does your father do for work? Do you have a criminal record or history? Do you keep up good grades? What intentions do you have with my sister? Where are you going and for how long? Will there be anyone else with you?" He said gruffly

Kyoya paused for a moment then smiled again, "hmmmm, yes, he works at a hospital, no, yes, to go shopping, around town and for a couple hours, and no just us."

Yakeru a bit surprised he answered all of them without  hesitation. He nodded his head then called to you, "hey, your boyfriends waiting!"  Then stomped off.

You came running from the bathroom, "Yakeru, you idiot, did you just interrogate him?!"

"I did no such thing!" He called from the living room"

You turn to Kyoya, "sorry about that,let's go"
Kyoya nodded an okay and the two of you walked out the door.

You saw the limousine that waited there and you just stared. "Seriously?" You say to him
"Is something wrong?" He looks back at you before opening the door.
" you couldn't have gone with a more subtle car?" You asked laughing

"Sorry, but I don't think I could have" he then opened the door for you. You slid into the big car and then Kyoya got in and sat next to you.

There was a lot of room but he still sat next to you. That made you smile a bit.

The driver took off and during the entire ride you looked out the window and watched the scenery change. It went from the regular suburban houses to bigger and bigger ones. You passed some really nice and expansive shops till you got to what must have been some of the most fanciest and richest shops around.

You stepped out and looked around thinking, 'we literally could have gone to target but I guess this is fine too.'

"Okay, first we need to go pick up the costumes, then the decorations, put in the order for special foods, then double check with our no order of China that's coming in." Then I have to fill out some paperwork confirming orders for next week.

"That doesn't sound like it will take that long." You said cracking your knuckles ready to get stuff done.

"Yeah, and we have time so we don't have to go fast." He said leaisurly. "Really what happened to the 'get shit done' Kyoya?" You asked him.

He stayed silent for a bit as you walked looking away, then he quickly grabbed your hand and interlaced his fingers with yours. You looked at him surprised. He's never wanted or tried to hold your hand before. Especially not in public.

He looked away from you still. But wouldn't let go of your hand. "Like I said, we can just take our time." He insisted

A huge smile spread across your face as you squeezed his hand, "awww, is this a work date?" You gushed at him. He sighed, "so do you want me to hold your hand or-"

"No, no it's fine. Let's keep going" you chuckled.

You walked down the busy streets going a-couple blocks then stopping at a store to go in and sign some forms or talk to the owner.

Halfway through your shopping Kyoya let you stop for a churro even though he himself detested eating food from street venders. You teased him for it all the entire way. You arrived at your second to last stop and the to of you went inside still holding hands.

It was the place we pick up the costumes, Kyoya asked to speak to the owner to discuss the order. When all the sudden an elderly woman in line behind us said, "Kyoya? Kyoya Ohtori?"

Both of you turned around to the elderly woman. She had white, gray hair pinned back and a very nice pants suit on. "Why it's so good to see you! I just saw your father last week!"

When she did she saw the two of you holding hands and Kyoya immediately let go and put a bit of distance between the two of you.

You were a bit taken back by this. You frowned as he spoke to the old woman, "nice to see you again Ms.Watanabe." He put on his business smile.
"Oh Kyoya, always so polite" she gushed. " and who is this with you?" She smiled in your direction.

You perked up to say something but Kyoya then answered for you. "She's an acquaintance from school. We're here on club related business."

Your head dropped back down to stare at the floor. 'So I'm his "acquaintance" huh? I mean I'm not technically his girlfriend or anything but he could have said friend. Or that we were hanging out.' You tried to not let it hurt you but it did a little.

The pleasantries stopped and the woman left with Kyoya waving her off.
There was a bit of silence then you asked, "so who was that?"

He didn't face you when he spoke, "she's the wife of the ceo of a major electronics company that my father is partnered with." He stated

"Oh, cool" was all you could say.

He didn't try and hold your hand after that.

Finally the owner came out and you turned to Kyoya, "hey, to get this done quicker I'll run over to the decorations place and sign off on the forms" you suggested. You didn't wanna stay there, you had to clear you head.

Kyoya agreed so you walked out the store and to the next one acouple blocks away. As you walked there clouds began to creep in and start to drizzle. So you made sure to be in and out quickly.

But it was too late, it started raining. At first slow, then started raining even harder. People scattered to the nearest shelter. You watched through the window wondering where Kyoya could be.

You decided to make a run for it and run to the car thinking that's where he'd be.

You ran about three blocks trying to stick to the cover of buildings and tents but getting drenched none the less.

You finally made it to the limousine and hopped inside only to find Kyoya wasn't there. You told the driver to go around and look for him.

He wasn't at the costume and fabric shop or at the decorations one. You drove around corners and streets to find him.
Finally you saw one person in the distance just calmly walking in the rain.
It was Kyoya. Completely sopping wet. You pulled up next to him and opened the door.

"Where the hell were you?!" You yelled over the rain
He got in and leaned back in the seat getting the carpet and the leather seats all wet. "Driver,please head towards (y/n)s house"

He turned to you taking off his glasses and rubbing them. "I was looking for you."

You sighed then leaned your head on his shoulder. The both of you cold and miserable slept all the way to your house.

Kyoya x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now