Chapter 35

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I woke up to be met with ruby red eyes staring at me. "Morning babe." He gave me a small smile. "Morning love." We both chuckled as we had realized how silly it was. "We are never doing that again." He said. I laughed at him. "Knowing us we will end up doing it without realizing it or just to have a good laugh in the morning."

"The sad truth behind that is quite scary." I nodded as an answer. "Hungry?" He questioned. "Always." I said. "Well then go downstairs and start making breakfast." He pointed towards the door. I gasped and lightly punched his chest. "Why me? You asked me therefore implying that you will be making breakfast. So, get up and go cook."

"Last time I checked I was the one who cooked it's your turn now." He said. However, I wasn't going to lose. "It's your house making the kitchen yours sooo..." I replied. "Last time I checked this was your house as well. So, get up and go cook." I sighed and got an idea. "Let's play one round of rock, paper, scissors. Whoever loses cooks."

"Alright you are on." He said. "Rock, Paper, Scissors. Shoot!" I sighed as I had lost to him. He had played scissors while I played paper. I got off his bed and headed towards the door.

"Chocolate chip pancakes with eggs, bacon and a black coffee. Please and thank you!" He said. "Who are you this morning?" I asked him. "Just go already." He said. "Yeah yeah." I walked out his room and headed downstairs.

As I entered the kitchen I saw my mom, Mitsuki and Masaru sitting down on the table already eating breakfast.

"So, you're the cook this morning?" Mitsuki said. "Yep." I responded as I entered the kitchen. "So, how did you sleep sweetie?" My mom asked. "Fine, but this morning was quite interesting." I said as I made the breakfast. "Really how so?" Mom said.

"Well to put it lightly Katsuki was acting weird." Both of Kacchan's parents laughed. "When is he not weird." Masaru said as he put the newspaper he was reading down. "I guess he does have his moments." I said as I started the coffee machine.

"On another note, when did you start calling him Katsuki? It's always 'Kacchan this' and 'Kacchan that'. Is it going to be one of those days today?" Mitsuki said. "Mostly likely, I mean when I woke up he said, "Morning babe." it kinda scared me." I said.

"Really and how did you respond to our weird son?" Mitsuki said. "First off I'm not weird and if you must know, the weirdo over there, responded by saying, "Morning love." but we laughed it off." Kacchan said as he took his seat.

"We must be in a different universe today." My mom said. "How so Auntie?" Kacchan asked. "Well, I'm only saying that because while he was cooking breakfast he said your first name and now this."

"You said my first name? What's up with that? Last time I checked my name was Kacchan not Katsuki." Kacchan asked me as I had placed his breakfast in front of him. "Correction, you are both Kacchan and Katsuki." I corrected him as I too sat down and started to eat. "Actually my son's name is Katsuki, but according to Izuku his name is Katsuki as well as Kacchan and let's not forget his new name, love. Isn't that right Izuku?" Mitsuki said as she smirked. 

"Haha very funny." I said as I took a bite from my chocolate chip pancakes. "Anyways, are your friends still fast asleep?" Masaru asked. "Yeah those two idiots are still asleep." Kacchan said as he sipped his coffee. "You know son I'm happy that you have friends." Mitsuki said. Kacchan rolled his eyes as he heard the same thing he had heard last night.

"Izu can you spend the day with me? I got something to do and it would be nice to do them with my son." My mom asked. "Geez mom you don't have to ask. I'm your son you should know the answer to that question by now." I said. "I know, but I still had to ask just in case you and Katsuki were going to do something today."

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