In the Books (Moody Spurgeon)

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My older sister had raised my parents expectations of me. They expected me to be just as intellectual and poise as she was. At least my father did. But he didn't understand the level of difficulty it was and how no matter how hard I tried I could never reach them.

But he didn't let my complaints sway him, as my parents argued about one thing or another.

Finishing breakfast I left the table without their notice and walked out the door to school. I could see Moody waiting for me by the tree and I rushed over to him.

"I don't think I could have endured that for another second." A smile tugged at his lips as he looked back at my home. "What's wrong?" I asked concerned about the continued silence.

"They're always arguing," he pointed out and I nodded. As I was going to speak to change the topic he continued, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Everything's fine you know how they are," I said shoving him slightly as I quickened my steps. He shook his head as he let out a laugh choosing to drop the subject and chased after me.

When we got to school I immediately approached Anne and began talking to her. Waving at Moody as he walked into the classroom I headed towards the stream. "Do you ever notice him staring at you when your not looking?"

Confused I furrowed my eyebrows and she explained, "Moody, it's like he likes you or something."

"He's a friend," I said as a matter of fact.

"Don't think I don't notice when you stare at him either."Rolling my eyes I saw Diana headed towards us and excused myself before she could continue teasing me.

Entering the classroom I felt the warmth from the fire and put my things away. Just as the door opened again I saw Gilbert walk in.

"How are you today Gilbert?" I asked smoothing out a crease in my dress. He met my eyes and gave me a smile

"I'm alright, how are you?" He asked.

"Same old, I was wondering if I could borrow a book from you I lost mine," I asked
I would have asked Moody but i realized just how much I asked of him

"Of course which book?" He said rummaging through his. I answered him and he took it out.
smiling at him I thanked him and headed for my seat as I started reading
If the teacher were to call on me I wouldn't want to make an embarrassment out of myself

I heard a tapping on my desk and looked up to find Ruby
"You talked to Gilbert."

"I don't like him if that's what you mean, not in that way," I said as I watched a smile make it's way onto her face.

"Right cause you like Moody," She said as if it just occurred to her. But it reassured her so I said nothing as she took a seat beside me. "Did he say anything?"

"You didn't come up no," I said tapping my chin as I turned to give her all my attention. She raised her head and I saw her eyes wandering around behind me. I didn't need to look to see who it was that had her undivided attention. "You have your whole life ahead of you to be worrying about a boy."

It appeared she hadn't listened to a word I said as I brought my eyes back to the book. It seemed I wouldn't finish as the teacher sauntered into the room. I guess I would have to multitask.


As any other day Moody was waiting for me outside of the schoolhouse. With a skip in my step I approached him. Taking my arm in his I saw him move around to take my basket. Reluctantly I gave him it as we walked the long way home.

"Where were you at lunch today?" I asked.

"Nowhere," He answered almost instantly. He cleared his throat to hide his fib but said, "I was with Gilbert."

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