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i sit in between ruby and anne as we finish eating our lunches. the topic now being boys and who we like. "y/n, you like gilbert right?" ruby asks her soft voice piercing through my ears. now that she likes moody there is no problem with it. "do i have to remind you that he is only a few feet away." i whisper at the oblivious girl. "what does it matter?" she asks looking around at the other girls.

i tilt her head in the direction he is in. his back is facing us. "he might hear us." i scold the girl, as she slaps my hands away. "you have to tell him sooner or later." josie intervenes, giving me a knowing look.

"no, i don't think i will. besides, who said to not let the boys know when you like them." i say taking a look at ruby.

the bell rings indicating the end of lunch and the beginning of the horrible lessons about to come. "you tell him anything, i swear on my life you will live to regret it. that is, if you live." i add going back to my seat but not before looking at the terrified looks on their faces.

i sit down near the front of the classroom getting out my school supplies for the lesson. the teacher comes out of the supply room and starts explaining a project he assigned. "we are going to be working with partners." he finishes standing at the front of the class. great, we're an odd friend group i'm bound to be left out. "i'll be picking your partners." yes. hopefully none of the boys, they are as diana says, ridiculous. but in all honesty i can tolerate them. i wait for my name to be called glancing around the classroom curious to know who i'm stuck with for the rest of class. "y/n and gilbert."


i look back at the said boy and see him already staring, i send him a small smile as he reciprocates it. just my luck. mr. phillips ends his talking and tells us to find our partners. i stay in my seat waiting for the boy to come.  i look back and see he is waiting for me too. i stand up from where i'm sat and make my way over to him. how come most of the girls got each other? and most boys?

"good day y/n." he says glancing beside to look at me clearly. "yeah, such a good day." i respond going back to look at how we were to start the project. "how should we arrange this?" i ask not taking my eyes off my shaking hands, the nerves settling in. "arrange what?"

i finally look at him his eyes piercing through mine, "t-the project w-we have a week to finish, with no class time." i explain stuttering out. "you can come to mine or i'll come to yours." his voice soft and welcoming, should be calming my nerves, but in my case, making more butterflies erupt. "y-yeah. lets just work on it while we can." with that we begin to silently work on the project, occasionally exchanging a few words.

i feel eyes on me and turn to see all of the girls staring our way. i mouth to them not wanting to bother gilbert. what?

they only raise their eyebrows and make kissy faces. the boys soon join and i roll my eyes at their immaturity and turn to look at the boy. only his eyes aren't on the paper, but on the students behind us. "what's up with them?" he asks as they stop with the faces and go back to their own projects. "i-i have no idea." i lie.

we go back into the comfortable silence from earlier until he decided to break it. "i think i know what it is?" he says slamming his pencil down on the desk. "what, what is?" i ask oblivious to the amused look on his face. "it has something to do with what was said earlier." he adds as i sit there confused going back to my work. "you like me." he states my eyes widen in shock. "no." i scoff at his words hitting his arm in the process. "that's ridiculous, as are you." i say wanting more than ever for class to be dismissed. "what other reason would it be?" he questions.

"i don't know, you like me." at my words his face turns bright red. i squint at him. do my eyes deceive me?

he goes back to his work once again as do i. leaving the topic behind.

"y/n, can you help me with my project?" jane says coming up to stand in front of the desk. "ask the other girls, i'm busy." i say not taking my eyes off my paper. "they don't know either." she quickly says. "ask one of the boys." i suggest.

"they can't help." my eyes trail up to hers then back to the girls. they're up to something. "fine." i turn to face gilbert. "i'm sorry i'll be back." i am dragged away with jane to the smirking girls. "what is it that you need help with?" i sit down. "what is it that you need help with?" tillie states, and i just give her a look of confusion. "you know, with gilbert?" josie finishes pointing out the obvious. "we'll help you get together." ruby explains a look of determination on her face.

"no thank you." my feet turn to walk away but am stopped by the red head. "y/n just listen." i glare at the girl, going to walk around her but am stopped once again, only this time it's diana. she gives me a serious look and that is when i turn to face the group of girls.

"why must you torment my life?" i ask as their laughs are heard throughout the classroom. "we're only trying to help." ruby says quietly after being scolded by the teacher.

"what is it?" i asks again desperately wanting to get out of this.

"y/n?" i turn to the voice meeting eyes with gilbert. i hold up a finger towards him signaling to give me one more second. or minute however long this takes. "i'm sorry i have to get back." i say as an excuse to get out, they let me leave relentlessly seeing as i turn my back to face them.

"sorry i don't know what that was all about." i lie.

"do you want to work on this after school?" he asks as we watch the teacher walk over the pair of students seeing as they are hard at work.

"yes." i answer writing some stuff down as mr. phillips passes us gilbert glances over to me passing me a note.

we can walk to my house? if that's okay with you.

i smile at the words on the paper and nod over to him keeping the small pierce of paper.


i walk side by side gilbert in awkward silence. none of us have spoken a word since class. i'm only dreading every money that's to come once we arrive to his house.

"you know when you said i liked you." he says as i recall me saying words similar to what he's implying. 'i don't know, you like me.'

"what about it?" i question not sure what he's getting at. i feel the sudden warmth spread across my face, i can only assume i'm as pink as i feel. i avoid meeting his eyes afraid of what he'll say.

"this might be weird but you were right," he says as i finally see the blush spread on his cheeks, "i do like you." i am stood in shock not knowing what to say.

"i know you like me too." he continues stopping to look at me.

"how?" i ask managing to get that single word out. still processing what's going on. he likes me. he like me back.

"i overheard you," he answers me, "you're not so quiet, or your friends for that matter." i blush i knew he would find out if they kept babbling on about him.

"i do like you." i finally spill out as his eyes widen.

"i knew that. i don't know why i'm still surprised." he says letting out a laugh. i avoid his eyes blushing like mad. i feel his hand gently place itself under my chin. he makes me look into his eyes as he sends me a calming smile. the fluttering of butterflies in my stomach only jolt awake.

i stare at him looking at his eyes before looking back to his lips. he does the same almost as if asking if he could kiss me. i nod slightly, before he places his hands at my waist pulling me into a kiss. i pull away out of breath.

"and here i thought you would never like me back." i say astonished at the fact that he actually does.

"how could i not?"

if i don't post consistently it's because i have school
anyways let me know what you think or if you have
i'm sorry for this trashy story
any requests

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