Playing Pretend (Josie Pye)

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Requested by ScooterBooterBike

More often than not Josie would come by and spend the night. To say the least it seemed like she spent more time here than she did in her own home. Which was undoubtedly the reason I kept to staying in my room. I didn't need to see her for more time than I needed. Which was at school and, at times, dinner.

Upon hearing the knock on my door announcing supper I closed my notebook shut and set it down at the end of my bed. Getting up I moved over to my dresser and fixed my hair, it had been a habit of mine since Josie pointed it out. Probably one of the reasons I resented her, because of all the things she tried fixing about me.

Taking one last look at myself I walked to my door and headed downstairs to the kitchen. In there i could see Josie and Jane talking to each other. Without paying any mind to them as I passed I helped set the dinner table.

It didn't take long and soon the whole family had made their way to the dining area. Steering myself away from Josie I chose to sit as far away as I could from her. It didn't help that anywhere I decided to sit either Billy or Jane would rope me into a conversation in which Josie was a part of. For which I was glad Prissy had decided to join us for Christmas holidays.

Christmas was a few days away and I still had no idea why Josie hung around here when it was a time for family. Pushing that thought away I sat by Prissy and mom. "What are you planning on doing for the holidays?"

"Probably spend some time with my friends and get out of the house." My eyes instinctively went to Josie who coincidentally was sat across from me. I cleared my throat hoping Prissy wouldn't notice my mistake but from the look in her face she could tell. "Maybe if mom and dad allow it I could spend a few days at my friends."

I raised my voice a little to catch their attention and it worked as their eyes moved onto me. I smiled sheepishly at them as I twirled my food around. They casted glanced at each other as if communicating telepathically and I had to sit and watch in silence for them to come to an agreement as they nodded to each other.

Turning to look at my dad he let out a sigh and I could almost feel the relief bubbling up as the rest of the table became quiet with anticipation. "You have to be back on Christmas day."

I felt like a hypocrite. But if it meant not seeing Josie it was fine by me.

I got up from my chair and walked over to him to give him a hug. Billy could think all he wanted about being the favorite but we all knew better. "Can i begin packing?"

He rubbed his hand over his hand but he had already gave in. A nod was all I needed to leave the room with a thank you and I raced to my room. They didn't need to know but I had already taken a bag out for my things. It was currently sitting in the corner of the room.

As I picked it up I could hear footsteps behind me and a knock at my door. It opened with the gentleness of the motion and I could see Prissy peering in. Letting herself in she sat in my bed as I rummaged through my closet. "Who are you staying with?"

"Delilah, she's already talked with her parents about me sleeping over." I take out my clothes and set them down on the bed as I hear another knock. This time announcing themselves as I turned around and saw them in my room. Has anyone ever heard of privacy? Ignoring them as they sit by Prissy I continue to look through my clothes. "We've already planned what we're going to do over break. But the first thing she wants to do is go ice skating."

"You don't know how to ice skate," Prissy said with a laugh and I joined her before I heard Josie start talking.

"Didn't you mention something about skating? We should do that." I looked up to see Josie questioning Jane. Rolling my eyes I look away.

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