Risk It All (Billy Andrews)

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Requested by damianodavidbby

It had been long since Ruby and I had hung out together, away from the girls. And especially away from Billy.

As he sat on the couch while my mom prepared tea for herself I talked to him about it. He looked up from his coffee cup and raised both eyebrows. I shook my head and said, "I'm only telling you. I'm not asking for permission."

"I know that but–"

I rolled my eyes playfully wondering what it was that was on his mind. Sometimes I questioned his thinking. "It's just Ruby's house." I felt like I had to say something else. So as I set my cup down I sat so I was at the edge of my seat and said, "Even my parents aren't this paranoid."

He furrowed his brows and leaned back taken aback by my words. "Can I at least walk you there?"

I looked around the room as if in thought and a smile made its way to my lips once I turned to look at him. I nodded and as my parents walked into the room we dismissed ourselves.

It was nearly nightfall so as I packed an overnight bag I walked out the door to see Billy waiting for me against the wall. Taking my hand and my bag we walked down the stairs and out the door to Ruby's.

The night was cold I leaned into Billy's side finally arriving at her house. Leaving his side I knocked on the door and just as I dropped my arm the door opened revealing the girl. I ran into her arms excitedly and pulled away resting my hands on her arms as I conversed with her. From behind, Billy cleared his throat waiting for our attention. We looked back simultaneously and he held my bag out for me to take.

Hugging him he left and I only closed the door once he was out of sight. Turning back to Ruby I saw her with a look I couldn't quite place. "Things are pretty serious aren't they?"

I only smiled in response as I walked up the stairs hearing her footsteps trailing behind me. She kept asking questions in which I had no intention of answering. As she walked ahead of me she made me stop in my step just before reaching the door. "Is he the reason you've been postponing our sleepover?"

I shook my head almost immediately and she didn't believe me. She had no reason to, because, for the most part, he was. "Let's not talk about him. What are we doing?"

She let go of the topic and turned the knob opening the door to her room. Stepping inside I couldn't remember the last time I had been here. "I thought maybe we could catch up since you were too busy with Billy."

"What did I say?" I asked as my eyes moved to one of the few candles she had in her room. The fire was flickering on her nightstand it was compelling I couldn't take my eyes off of it. But as Ruby stood before me in my line of sight I looked into her eyes raising both eyebrows.

"No Billy talk got it," she said with a laugh I couldn't help the one escaping my lips. With the bag in hand, she made her way over to me and took it from my hand to set it on the bed. I smiled at her and sat down as I took out my nightgown.

"How about we paint each other's nails?" I asked to try to get my mind off of the boy. To try and get her mind off of him."I found a few in my parent's room."

"I don't think my mother would like that." I saw her playing with her fingers the thought making her nervous.

"What's life without a little risk?" She rolled her eyes at me and I knew I got through with her. With a smile, I stood up from my seat and moved my bag to the floor but not before taking out a pair of slippers. I saw her moving across the room before returning to bed.

"I'll be back, I'm going to go change," I told her as soon as I got everything ready for the night. "Where's your bathroom?"

"Last door on the left," she said without lifting her eyes from the book she had got out. "Don't forget to take a candle."

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