Dates (Moody Spurgeon)

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I had stepped foot in the schoolhouse and from the looks of it it was lunch. People were rushing past me and out the door with a ball in their hands. I could see the girls in the corner of the room huddled together whispering to each other.

Putting my things away I glanced across the room and my eyes stopped at the boy sat at his table. I could only hear the last of his sentence as his friends laughed along with what he said. "My day couldn't get any better."

I wondered what he had been talking about so as curious as I was I walked over to him to ask. As I approached from behind I placed my hands to cover his eyes and bent down near his ear. I could see him straighten up in his seat taking my hands in his.

His friends laughed at how confused he must have looked which only prompted one from me. Whispering in his ear I said, "Guess who?"

He quickly turned around as I released my hands and let them drop to my side. I could see the smile forming on his lips that reflected the one on my face and moved around so I could see him better. Following my movements I saw him shift to face me and he murmured something under his breath that sounded oddly like, "Nevermind."

"Nevermind what?"

"His day couldn't get any better." I heard Paul murmur and I tilted my head curious as to what he meant by that. "He was starting to miss you."

I saw the glare he shot at Paul and pretended I didn't hear it but the smile on my face said otherwise. I saw the teacher walking through the door at the front of the classroom and quickly rushed our conversation saying, "I missed you too and by the way i asked your mom and she said you could come over today."

"When I asked she didn't say that. I wasn't sure when you were coming back but I was sure that I was going to spend the day with you when you did. Wait when did you have time to ask her you were gone for a month?"

"This morning before I got here, we live near each other It's not like it's a long walk," I added seeing the look of confusion on his face. He made a sound of understanding and I looked back at the teacher to see if we had more time for lunch, and when I was certain we had a few more minutes I turned back to Moody. "Besides she likes me better and I've been back no more than a day or two."

"But she's my mom," He said baffled as if considering what I was saying was true.

"Whatever you say." With the last word I walked toward Jane before stopping at my desk. Nearly everyone was at their seat and if they weren't already they would soon be. We all knew Miss Stacey needed time to get her lesson together before resuming class.

"I see you're back," Jane said and before she continued she looked around and whispered, "How did it go?"

"It went well I suppose," I answered vaguely.

"You suppose? Did he tell you?"

"What are you talking about?" At this I moved so my body was facing her. Her eyes widened as if she had made a mistake.

"What are you talking about?" She tried to retaliate but I was having none of it.

"I'm more curious as to what you have to say, what's going on? And don't say nothing because I know when your lying to me." Her mouth closed as if the words had left her and I continued. "You first start avoid eye contact." She was doing exactly as I said but turned to look me in the eyes to prove otherwise. "Then you fidget nervously."

I point to her hands seeing her play with them. She quickly laid them flat on the desk and I raised an eyebrow at her incredulously, she still has reason to think I believe her lies.

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