In Progress (Billy Andrews)

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Nothing I ever did ever came out as planned so with some much needed help my dearest and closest friends came to my aid. If it weren't for Naomi, Vivian, and Alya I would be lost without them. They were by far the most trusting friends I could have asked for. Not that I'd outwardly say it to them. They would tease me for it if I ever did. But they were always there to lend a shoulder. And as it seemed I needed it now more than ever.

For the past few weeks, I've been confronted more than once about my feelings for Billy. How was supposed to answer their questions if I didn't know how he felt about me, he never showed any attraction or liking to me. And it never came from him, it resulted in his friends coming up to me and asking. I've gone as far as to avoid any sort of alone time with the boy, with the help of my friends of course.

"Why don't you just ask him yourself you're only making things more complicated than they need to be," Naomi said and if it weren't for the fact we were the only ones outside as we waited for Vivian I would have scolded her for being so loud.

No one needed to know of my feelings for Billy, especially not him.

"She's too much of a coward to do so," Alya piped up, and only then did I turn to face the two. They both gave me devious smirks knowing they were getting under my skin. As if her words weren't enough she added, "She clams up at the sight of him how do you think she'll be if she were to talk to him."

Coming to the end of her sentence I went to tell her she was the same with Moody but felt someone press a hand to my shoulder. Recoiling from the touch I looked back to see Vivian smiling down at me.

"What are you girls talking about?" Answering her question Naomi excluded the part about the remarks made toward me. We all knew just how much she took after her mother, Vivian was protective over us, even more so to me as I was the youngest. And we did not want to anger her so early in the day. With a knowing look, she took me to her side and led us all into the classroom. "Don't worry he'll come around."

Just when I went to tell her I wasn't worried, Charlie approached me. Keeping quiet I acknowledged his presence and continued on my way to my desk knowing he'd follow after. If there was one thing I knew it was that whatever Charlie knew he'd recall back to Billy. And I did not want Billy to know my secret. "What do you want Charlie?"

"I just came to ask how you were doing," taking a seat beside Vivian I looked up at the taller boy and gave him a curious look.

"I'm good, and you?" Telling just how awkward I was Vivian barely smothered back a laugh, Alya and Naomi didn't even bother as they let out a laugh catching Charlie's attention.

If they didn't know any better they'd have thought I liked Charlie but considering just how well they did know me, they knew not to say anything.

"Good," he responded and I gave him another smile hoping to end this conversation if you could even call it that.

"You should probably go back to your seat class is about to start," I heard Naomi say and I was glad for her interruption. Without another word I distantly heard his retreating footsteps and managed to let out a breath.

"That was the most hilarious thing I have ever witnessed, and that's saying something considering I live with my brother," Alya said and I held back the need to roll my eyes. Vivian for her part glared at the girl's back as she turned to face the board.

"Don't listen to her you two are practically the same so she shouldn't be talking," raising her voice slightly to get her words across to Alya I gave her a thankful smile.

It fell short when Naomi gestured behind me. I hadn't wanted to look but I couldn't help my curiosity. As I turned around in my seat I made eye contact with Billy. Blushing profusely I turn quickly back around settling my hand on my rapid beating heart.

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