Avoiding Confrontation (Diana Barry)

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Requested by LazyAlina

It seemed as though every time I would go over to the Barry's house Diana was busy.

It didn't help that I was too, helping tutor Minnie May, I hardly ever got to see Diana. Even the times I did she would always be running out of the house in a rush to get where she was going. To where I had no idea but she would always leave when I arrived. Almost like she didn't want to see me.

But I would have to do something about it. Because she had been avoiding me at school too. Not like she had any luck it was a small class, but I was tired of it.

Arriving at her house early Saturday morning I knocked on the door. I rocked on my heels waiting patiently for someone to answer. When they did Minnie May looked up at me surprised to see me. "Are you here to tutor me?"

Before I could answer a voice sounded from the parlor room. It had gotten closer as she said, "What did I say about opening the door?"

"To have an adult do it. But it's only Y/n." At the sound of my name, Diana peeked around the door and I waved at her. Dropping my arm to my side I could see she was too stunned to speak. "You still haven't answered my question."

"No, I'm not here to tutor you, I'm here to see Diana." I looked down at Minnie May and saw the relieved smile on her face. Looking back up to Diana she was nowhere to be found. I didn't realize she left or I would've heard something.

Minnie May turned around and looked back at me confused. "She must have gone to her room."

Letting me enter she went her way while I walked toward Diana's room. When I reached her door I raised my hand and knocked. I stood there waiting for the door to open but nothing happened.

Turning the knob the door was unlocked and I peeked in. There was no one there and I didn't bother to check anywhere else knowing she must have left the house.

Letting out a heavy sigh I shook my head with disappointment. Of course, she would have gone, but what reason.

"Y/n what are you doing here? You're not to tutor Minnie May until Wednesday."

"I just stopped by to talk to Diana," I answered closing the door as I looked at Mrs. Barry. I could feel my eyes glazing with tears and immediately looked away. "I was just leaving."

"Is she not in her room?" Just as I had done she entered an empty room. I waited for her hoping she would find something but turned to look at me and scoffed. "I've told that girl a million times. What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I replied the word barely escaping my lips as my throat contracted. Clearing my throat I forced a smile and excused myself. "I'll see you Wednesday."


And just as I promised I stopped by on Wednesday. School had just released us and there was no sign on Diana around. Not like I had expected her to stay after school.

So as I walked to her house with slow steps it was a wonder I wasn't late when I arrived. The door opened and I didn't look in the least shock when Diana opened it. On the other hand, she had her emotions expressed all on her face.

"Minnie Mays in the parlor room," Mrs. Barry said as she took hold of the door allowing me entrance. I smiled at the sight of her and walked past Diana. I was tired of playing her games, or whatever she liked to call this.

Seeing Minnie May sat at the table confused as she glanced at her paper I laughed a little. Walking up to her she hadn't noticed me until I sat down beside her. "What seems to trouble you?"

Instead of answering she slid the paper over to me and buried her face in her arms. Looking away from her I inspected the paper and saw that she was working on math. Or attempting to.

awae imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang