Heather (Gilbert Blythe) Part 2

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I'm like in love with him ^

you can choose anyone to be James or pick another name.

This isn't even a Gilbert imagine, what is wrong with me. So keep that in mind when reading.

I wasn't going to write a second part but @Mcruzer
Gave me an idea thank you so much
It felt weird to leave it off as I did

This song is Forget Heather by Berra Tunes on YouTube
So I suggest you listen to that while reading. Only if you want.

Do you remember the third of December
you wore my sweater
I knew it looked better on you than it did her
but I was confused, why did I like you?

It was raining. It didn't feel like it was, especially when it didn't reflect my mood.

It was Saturday and upon receiving a letter I knew he would be here. He was coming to visit me today and the girls knew this, which is why they decided to tease me about it.

"Honestly y/n I'm glad you're happy," Ruby said as they stop their giggling. Pointed looks were aimed towards the blonde.

I didn't want to bring up the topic, none of them did after everything that happened. But I was happier now, and I was fine with it.

Feeling my smile widen I let out a laugh at what once was, "thank you, I love you guys so much." With one last look towards Anne, I see her face fall.

Dismissing the look, I make a mental note to check up on her later and watch as Josie looks out the window. "Look who's here."

With those words said they all vacate my bed and surround the window.

"What time is it?" Tillie asks and at her question, I glance towards the clock and see I'm late for our meeting.

"I'm late I'll see you all at dinner."

"Remember curfew," Jane yells out.

Running down to his side I stop before him and can't stop my smile upon seeing his.

Not sure whether to hug him or shake his hand I settle with nothing. My obvious awkwardness sets him off in a fit of giggles, and I compose myself, slapping him hard on the arm.

Hearing his mumbled curses he stares down at me. "Kiss it better?"

Ignoring his words I say, "You can't blame me for being this way. I haven't seen you in forever."

"You can hardly say a month is forever," he whispers into my ear, "did you miss me?"

Mumbling a small, "yes." I avoid having to meet his eyes.

"What was that?"

"You heard me," I say feeling a blush take over my face, "what about you, did you miss me?"

"Obviously more than you missed me," he answers and I am taken aback.

"That's about right," I say playing along.

"That's a low blow."

"Do you want to head inside?" I ask eyes trained on how his glances over at my lips.

"No, I think I'm fine soaking in the rain." Rolling my eyes at his sarcastic comment, I take a hold of his hand only to feel him pull me into his chest. "I've missed you so much."

Loosening up I crane my neck to see his eyes on me, "You need to dry up, let's go to the parlour."

"Why don't we go to your room?" He whines as I open the door to head inside.

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