Night Changes (Gilbert Blythe)

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Gilbert and his dad came over every once in a while. Being neighbors I got used to the presence of others. And Gilberts was one I had always wanted to be around. Ever since I first moved to Avonlea. On my first day of school, it was difficult enough everyone already had their friends and knew each other.

I couldn't handle the stress moving came with at the young age of six years old. But I was glad no one had talked to me because I wouldn't have become friends with Gilbert.

He was the first to introduce himself to me, to even acknowledge the fact I was there. Because no one paid any attention before that. Not until Gilbert had to introduce me. And I was all the more thankful for him since that day.

And although I wasn't as close to the girls I had hoped, Gilbert was still there.

But things had changed and I had matured. And suddenly I felt more attention on me. It was a strange feeling.

One I didn't like unless it was Gilbert's. Because whenever he would look at me I got a sense of calm. A little nervous too but I didn't think much about it.

So as I waited for Mr. Phillips to release us for lunch I looked toward Gilbert. He had been intent on finishing his work he didn't realize my attention was on him.

But when he did he smiled at me and walked toward the coatroom. I hadn't noticed but it was lunch already.

"You would look good together don't you think?" I looked to where the question was asked and saw Jane. Out of all the girls she was probably the one I was closest to. I didn't know how to respond, only stammering on my words. "Everyone else seems to think so, besides Ruby of course, but we don't tell her that."

I stifled a laugh for once agreeing with Ruby. And we both knew that because I could tell as she rolled her eyes. "Your boyfriend's coming over I'll leave you two alone now."

I quickly turned around and saw Gilbert. Cursing at myself for looking because although she had said boyfriend I could only think of Gilbert. Even if we weren't in a relationship.

He walked up to me and I hadn't noticed Jane leaving. I stood up from my desk realizing I had wasted the first few minutes of lunch talking to Jane. It wasn't exactly a waste but I had no other word for it.

Gilbert sat beside me and dropped his lunch on the table. I figured I should go get mine and excused myself quickly running to the coatroom.

Rubbing back I slumped down in my seat and could feel his eyes on me. "Want an apple?"

He held it up for me in case I wanted to take it. As I went to do so he tossed it up in the air before catching it and handing it over. He winked at me and I rolled my eyes at his antics. "Why do you have to show off?"

"That was not showing off. And even if I was trying to I wouldn't have impressed–" I looked at him curiously and confused as to why he cut himself off. He had someone on his mind. It was a great deal when he mentioned someone he liked. I never saw him as that type of person, mostly because he didn't express his feelings openly now and again as I did.

"Who are you trying to impress?" It seemed as though I had caught him off guard.

But he composed himself and took out another apple. This time for himself. As he bit it he shrugged his shoulders and said, "You'll find out sooner or later."

"I tell you everything," I said in hopes he would give in to my plea. I knew it wasn't a very good reason but there was no harm in trying.

"I'll tell you one of these days."


I had been running late. It wasn't unusual but I did try to reduce the number of tardies I had because I knew Miss Stacey didn't like it. As I ran out the door without a word to my parents I sprinted to the schoolhouse. I had expected everyone to be out for lunch but there wasn't a person in sight as I reached the small building. Ducking below the windows so no one would see me.

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