Memories of the Past (Gilbert Blythe)

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Requested by R-RAGGI

I knew how Ruby felt about Gilbert, I would have to be stupid not to. And still, I chose to talk to her. It wasn't like she would sabotage things between us. We were both doing fine in our relationship.

But having someone to talk to about him was nice. But the more I talked to her the more I realized how we spoke about mere memories as if he were a thing in the past.

So while I didn't like it, I stopped talking to her. Only about him though, because there were other topics we could discuss without moving on to Gilbert.

Although he was brought up on the occasion. Just like now.

Just like she was doing I counted the days he had been gone. It wasn't for me to listen but I overheard her talking about it to anyone who would listen. And I happened to be one of those people. I was only glad she hadn't told me personally because I didn't know what I would tell her. Sometimes it become too strange just how deep her feelings were for him.

And how comfortable she was sharing them with me.

Which was another reason I stopped talking to her about him. And instead took to confiding in Cole. He was a new perspective and someone I could trust with my thoughts. Besides my friends of course. But they had matters of their own to solve and I didn't want to burden them.

As I sat with Cole at lunch I noticed his thoughts drifting and his attention slipping. I knew I could be boring at times but not this boring. Waving a hand in front of his eyes I asked, "What are you thinking?"

He shook his head as if dismissing his thoughts and smiled at me. Waiting for an answer he let out a sigh. I placed a hand on top of his as a reassuring gesture. He looked down and tightened his hold. "Can I go to your house after school?"

"You don't have to ask you're always welcome to," I said taking notice of how he didn't answer my question. But I didn't pressure him to just like he never did with me.  A smile formed on his lips as he continued his lunch. It wouldn't be long until lessons resumed.


Cole walked faster than I was used to. And when I had told him he only told me I was walking slow. I rolled my eyes at his comment and watched as his steps slowed. Thinking I didn't notice I appreciated the action and walked alongside him.

When my house was in view I ran up ahead to open the door. When Cole had reached me he walked inside and I followed after him. The house was silent, a rarity, but I didn't think much of it.

He had walked the stairs to my room I didn't have to tell him where because he had been here before. Just like at his home he was comfortable in mine. Upon opening the door to my room I threw my coat on the floor and began braiding my hair.

"Is this what you've been working on?" I had thought I covered it up but it was out in plain sight. Rather than hiding and putting it away, I left it as I responded with a nod. He had seen it anyway there was no ping in hiding it. He moved his eyes away from me and stepped closer to the painting as I took a seat on my bed. "You really miss him don't you?"

There was a moment of silence as I thought of how to answer. There was no doubt I missed him, we both knew that, but that's wasn't sufficient enough of a response.

"I thought I'd forget how he looked like," I said as I felt I had to explain to him. But thinking about it I knew I wouldn't have forgotten. The painting was only a distraction from his departure and my constant overthinking. Because he hadn't sent a letter in days and I was beginning to worry. Beginning to think something was wrong and I had no way of knowing. Dismissing my thoughts I let out a sigh and said, "I don't know what I'll do when I finish."

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