Confidence Is Key (Moody Spurgeon)

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Requested by krayyzoom

I had lost count of the number of times he had asked me out. Or tried I should say. And in all his attempts he failed. I didn't need a boy to distract me when my parents were doing that enough already. It was like they didn't care for my education, my only purpose to them was to marry me off. Which seemed to be the only topic for conversation when I was around. And when they weren't doing that, all their attention went on focusing on my brother. They liked to dote on him like they didn't do to me. And to say I was jealous wouldn't come close to how I felt. I was being compared to a six-year-old.

But that jealous feeling didn't last long, only disappearing when I left home and got to school. Which was one of the many reasons I liked going, I never missed a class. Scratch that I hardly missed class. But I wished I missed this one as Moody gave another attempt at asking me out.

Another day and another rejection didn't minimize his efforts. I had to say it was flattering, the attention I received from him. I almost confused those feelings for something else. And had I thought more on it I would be certain they were something else. But flattery only went so far and as he walked away I turned to my friends who had heard everything.

He didn't care for privacy which was one of the things that made us different. Taking a breath I was confused when I saw their faces. They had a different reaction every time. The first time they shared the same expression and thoughts as me. Because how could anyone think of courting at a young age. We were surprised, to say the least, but that feeling went away time and time again.

But somehow this time was different.

Elise had a lovestruck look as though his words were meant for her that she couldn't part her eyes away from him. Amy looked indifferent about the situation but that said a lot about what she was feeling. She never let emotion show unless it was of distaste. And finally, as I looked at Samantha, she had a teasing smile only reserved when she was passionate about something. I let my face fall getting rid of any expression and said, "You all gave in."

"I don't know how you haven't fallen for him already," Elise said with an airy breath. She rested her head on her hands and Amy had to snap her out of her trance.

Turning to look at me washing away a weird look she gave Elise she said, "As much as I hate to admit it she's right, I don't know what it was but Moody had me feeling something."

"That's because we're at the age where all we can think about is boys," Elise said causing me to roll my eyes. If they talked any longer I was sure my eyes would roll out of my head with their nonsense.

I looked at Samantha she would give me her honest opinion as brutal as it was. And I could already tell what it was. "You should say yes next time he asks."

I looked at her incredulously as my mouth dropped. No teasing remarks, she was just forward. She seldom was which unnerved me. I felt like the only sane one as I let out a laugh. I drowned myself in my thoughts as they talked over each other trying to convince me with reasons I should accept.

I closed my eyes willing lunch to go by faster so I wouldn't have to hear another word and my wishes were answered at the sound of Miss Stacey's voice. I let out a relieved sigh as I stood up and went to my desk. I didn't turn back as I saw Moody on the other side of the room.

His smile had caught me by surprise. Just like my friends my heart was willing me to accept his offer to go on a date. But my mind had strongly disagreed. I had always wondered which to follow. I had been wrong more times than I would admit because of the actions from my heart. So I always followed my mind.

Even if both resulted in my misery.


I had walked into the classroom curious as to why no one was outside. I had first thought I was late but my parents would never allow that, even if they didn't care. They just wanted me out of the house. I dropped my brother at his classroom and went around to mine before realizing almost no one was outside.

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