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"who do you suppose it is?" i hear as the girls turn their attention to gilbert. i roll my eyes not wanting to get involved in their gossip. before i can say a word anne decides to speak, rather loudly.

"it could be anyone." she says her eyes wandering over to any possible suspect. she stops as her eyes land on gilbert. "why don't we ask him?" she asks turning her attention back to us. we continue eating as they whisper on about how insane the girl is.

"it's obviously a secret. he doesn't want anyone knowing who it is." ruby says devastated at the fact gilbert has someone. i try my hardest to ignore their bantering until i hear my name. i look up to see their pair of eyes on me.

"y/n what do you think?" diana asks taking a sip of her milk.

"i don't have an opinion on the matter." i respond.

"you're no fun." josie says going back to staring at the boy.

"that's ironic coming from you." i retaliate but she just ignores my comment. i take out my strawberry tarts and hand them over sharing with the girls.

"thanks." i hear all around as their attention goes back to the boy. honestly creepy.

"do you have anything better to do than stare at gilbert?" i ask, their backs facing me. they ignore me. might as well be talking to the wall.

"i'm going to get my milk from the stream." i say although i hardly doubt they notice me getting up and leave. i walk across the classroom and out the door. as soon as i see my bottle i go to pick it up, but a hand reaches it before i do. i take the bottle from them and look up to see gilbert.

"you're very popular today." i say wiping away at the bottle.

"why do you say that?" he asks laughing sincerely.

"you're all the girls are talking about." i answer walking towards the wall to lean against it. he follows me soon after as he takes a quick glance inside the classroom.

"the boys won't stop bothering me about it." he says.

"and whose fault is that?" i ask walking away before he can say anything. i walk inside seeing the girls heads turn at my appearance.

"did you see gilbert?"

"i see him all the time." i answer.

"outside," tillie says, "what did he say? did he talk to you?" she asks as they make room for me to sit back down.

"we were talking about how annoying you girls are." i answer with all honesty. "no, but, can we stop talking about him?" i ask.

"fine. let's talk about you." josie says shifting in her seat to directly face me.

"what about me?" i ask.

"i don't know. but you're hiding something." she goes on narrowing her eyes at me to see if i could break under her stare.

"i'm surprised you even notice me at all, from the amount of time you spend staring at gilbert." i say back avoiding the topic.

"haha very funny." i hear her say as she begins packing up. i do the same before taking a drink from my bottle. i stand up and head to the coat room to place my lunch there. once i'm done with that i go sit down beside ruby. i see her glare at gilbert. strange. "what's the matter ruby?" i ask curious on why she's sending daggers his way.

"i don't like gilbert." she says turning her head to face me, her features softening. she sighs before a smile creeps up onto her face. "i don't like gilbert anymore." she says in a much more happy tone. i smile at that, knowing just how hopeless it was, i would never admit it to her though.

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