A World Apart (Jane Andrews)

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Requested by Hyena_Cub

Gilbert had his mind set on leaving Avonlea. Of course, if he did that then I wouldn't know what I would do with myself. He did plan on going by himself. But ever since birth we were attached to the hip. I don't see why this time it had to be any different.

So as class ended I followed behind him in a rush. I had been writing the last few words on the board whereas everyone else had already been packing. It was just my luck it had to be the only important time in which I needed to speak with Gilbert. As I stood from my seat gathering my things I saw him entering the coat room so I headed toward him. Although in my attempt I bumped into someone.

Looking up at Jane I saw Gilbert still in the coatroom. I was glad he was taking his time as he watched Anne carefully across from him. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize," she said as she bent down to pick up her things. I followed her lead and helped her. Once she had everything in her hands I thought I was free to go until she grabbed my hand. "Are we hanging out after school?"

Her touch brought back a part of me as I forgot about Gilbert. Clearing my throat I pulled my arm away and said, "I can't, I forgot I made plans with Gilbert."

"You see him every day." She expected an explanation but I didn't have one for her. Letting out a sigh I watched as the tension in her brows lessened and she looked at me with understanding. "Tell me when you're free so we can hang out."

"Will do." Without a goodbye, I rushed out and out the door with no sight of Gilbert. Turning my head in search of him I could see him feet away as he started walking home without me. I quickened my pace to get to his side. "Why didn't you wait for me?"

"I saw you talking to Jane I thought you said you were hanging out with her today."

"I canceled my plans with her."


"I need to talk to you about our trip."

"You're not going we talked about this."

"No, you talked and I listened now it's my turn to talk and for you to listen." Once I knew he wasn't going to interrupt me I gathered my thoughts. Taking a breath I looked at him once more and he rose an eyebrow. I took it as a sign to continue and said, "Alright so I've compiled a list of reasons why I should accompany you."

I handed him the paper and as he muttered them under his breath I followed along reciting word for word. I hadn't known how long I spent reading those reasons but they were embedded in my mind.

"As convincing as it is–"

I didn't let him continue as I knew I had gotten through to him. And I wasn't going to let this opportunity slip. He wasn't the only one mourning. Or the only one needing change. "It's settled I'm going with you."


I hadn't wanted to tell Jane I was leaving. One of the things I regretted as I set foot on the ship. But I would see her again. I hoped I would see her again.

I stood by Gilbert's side as we walked through a crowd of people. I was more likely to get lost than he was so it was no wonder I would see him catch a glance at me every few seconds. As long as I was with him I would be alright. He also kept me in check. Although he never really helped me out in times of trouble.

Entering a room where we would be sleeping I walked alongside Gilbert as we chose our hammocks. Putting my bag down I took a breath in at our new lives. This would be good for us.


I walked through the ship as I enjoyed the fresh air knowing it was a matter of time before I reached my living quarters.

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