Firsts (Gilbert Blythe)

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Whenever class would end I would always look around for Gilbert. Either he was the first to leave or the last person to. I always waited, if only to see him one last time. And if he had already gone home I would walk with Jane. With the thought that I would see him the next day.

It was an unhealthy habit as I was struck with disappointment nearly half the time.

But unlike every other day Gilbert was waiting for me. I didn't know it at first as he was talking to Moody. But as we made eye contact he raised his hand and waved at me. Smiling I waved back and couldn't contain the feeling of joy as my heart picked up pace.

Gilbert walked over toward me and I wondered what had made me do so. It wasn't often we would talk outside of class. Only during. And I always enjoyed them.

"Can I walk you home?" He asked straight to the point. I was at a loss for words. From behind him I could see Jane giving me thumbs up and I looked back at Gilbert.

"Yes," I said unsure. It was almost a question but he took it as an answer. He started walking ahead of me and I took the time to express my emotions to Jane as she stood there teasing me.

With a breath I composed myself and sped to his side.

"This is the first time anyone has asked to walk me home," I said truthfully and a little embarrassed. I looked at the ground to avoid his eyes, it was starting to snow and I knew winter would be here.

"What about Jane?"

"I meant a boy." I could feel myself turning red from the tips of my ears. He laughed and I knew he was teasing. I scoffed at him easing back into that relaxed feeling j would get whenever I was with him. Although I always felt a little nervous at first. "You are so mean for that."

"I was kidding," he said in between laughs and knew that was far from the truth. As we kept walking his laugh got quieter although I could hear a few at the slip of the tongue. Turning my head I narrowed my eyes at him and shook my head. "So I'm your first."

My eyes widened as I stopped in my step and looked at him. Once again I could feel a blush on my face.

"Don't say it like that," I murmured swatting his arm. He realized how it sounded and started laughing again. I had to admit it was contagious as it wiped away the frown on my lips with a laugh.

"I didn't mean it I swear," he said seriously shaking his head so much I was afraid it would fall off. He was adamant on making me believe it.

Falling silent we continued walking as I let my thoughts wander.

Maybe Jane was wrong. Maybe all the times she said she would catch him staring he was looking at someone else. I began to feel insecure and doubtful.

"But I'm glad I am and hopefully the last," he said mumbling the last bit. But I heard it all the same. I furrowed brows in confusion not picking up on the insinuation until a smirk played his lips.

He never failed to leave me speechless.


My mind seemed to revolve around Gilbert. Everything reminded me of him from the smallest of things to the more noticeable ones. Especially after all those times we've hung out.

I didn't think I could like him more but here I was head over heels.

I didn't like thinking about it because every time I did it would be hours until I became productive. I was already failing one subject I didn't need to fail all the others.

A knock on the front door notified me of his arrival and I jumped up to open it. Making my way to the door I stood there counting to thirty until I opened it with a breath.

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