Brody is Running

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Third Person's POV

We start in Robotnik's Fortress as Robotnik is welding his Robo-matic machine "Excuse me, O Treacherous One" Scratch said as Robotnik turns to his left side and lifts his goggles with his left hand. He then pulls a handheld computer with his right hand and presses a button on it with his left index finger. An image of Scratch appears on the computer's screen "But your Mother is here to see you!" Scratch said and Robotnik frowns upon hearing what Scratch said "Oh no!" Robotnik said and runs up to a suitcase on his desk and opens it with his right hand. He picks up an apple, two light bulbs, and a screwdriver with both his hands and puts them in his suitcase, then he picks up a keyboard with his right hand and puts it in his suitcase "Which means I'm taking a trip!" Robotnik said and closes his suitcase with his left hand, then grabs the handle with his right hand and runs away. He then closes the front door to his fortress with his left hand and locks four locks with his right. He runs away, then comes back, carrying a plank of wood in both his hands, which he puts over the handles. He then runs away again, then comes back, carrying a chair in both his hands, which he sets down in front of the door. He then climbs onto the chair and turns his back against the door "Phew!" Robotnik said when Momma Robotnik breaks down the door, flattening Robotnik and creating a cloud of grey dust. Momma Robotnik emerges from the dust, carrying her handbag in her left hand, and she proceeds to open the door with her right hand. Robotnik waves his right hand at her "Oh, Momma, what a lovely surprise!" Robotnik said and groans as Momma Robotnik grabs his left ear with his right hand and pulls him forward by it "Don't you "Momma" me! I've never been so humiliated in all my life! My friend Cora at the home has a son who was just elected President of his garden club!" Momma Robotnik said as Robotnik growls as he struggles to free himself from Momma Robotnik's grip "Why can't you be elected President? Just because you're feared and loathed all over the planet" Momma Robotnik said as Robotnik groans as Momma Robotnik lets go of him. He then places his left hand over his left ear and rubs it "That's no reason you can't be popular!" Momma Robotnik said "But Momma, I hate gardening!" Robotnik said "Numbskull!" Momma Robotnik said "Huh?" Robotnik asks "I want you to run for President of Mobius!" Momma Robotnik said "You mean have an election? That sounds disgustingly like being fair!" Robotnik said and Momma Robotnik raises both her fists at Robotnik as she growls at him "Not that there's anything wrong with being disgusting" Robotnik said "Then get going! I can't wait to be First Momma of Mobius!" Momma Robotnik said "Scratch! Grounder!" Robotnik said and Scratch and Grounder run up to the hole where the door was "Yes, your malevolence! Who do you want crushed or liquidated or terrorized? Bwahaha!" Scratch said "Or maybe even scared a little?" Grounder asks "Oh, uh, no one. Make up a million "Robotnik For President" posters with my picture and paste them up all over Mobius!" Robotnik said "But Dr. Robotnik, we're vicious evil robots! Running for election is... legal!" Scratch said "Do as I say, or I'll grind you down into iron filings!" Robotnik said "One million posters comin' up!" Grounder said as he and Scratch run away. They run up to a press machine and Scratch squawks as he trips over Grounder. Grounder turns the handle of the press machine with his left drill and posters with Robotnik's picture that say, "Robotnik For Prez!" fly out of the press machine.

*Meanwhile with Sonic and Brody*

Sonic and Brody run up to the poster on a fence and looks at it. There are many more posters on the fence behind them "Ugh! A little late for Halloween, isn't it?" Sonic asks as Tails flies up to him and Brody "The whole city's plastered with em'!" Brody said "You don't think he could win, do you, guys?" Tails asks "Not if We have anything to say about it, Tails! And We will!" Sonic said "Catch you later, little bro!" Sonic and Brody said as they run away.

Meanwhile, Scratch and Grounder are standing near a bulding that has "Robotnik For Prez!" posters pasted all over it. Grounder spreads paste onto an empty spot on the building with a paintbrush where his right drill would be. Scratch, who has a bag of posters on his back, then unfolds one of the posters with both his hands and spreads it onto the paste. He smiles at the poster, and as he and Grounder look at each other, Sonic and Brody run past the poster, drawing goofy hair and a hole where one of Robotnik's teeth would be on the poster. Scratch and Grounder look at the poster in confusion "That's not how the rest of them look! I'm sure..." Scratch said and before he can finish, the sound of Sonic and Brody running can be heard. Scratch and Grounder look over at the other posters. Some have goofy hair and goatees, while others have devil horns and pitchforks, the latter of which Robotnik is holding in his right hand. Scratch takes one of the posters out of his bag with his right hand and unfolds it with both his hands. Sonic and Brody run past the poster, drawing devil horns, a goatee, and a picthfork wich Robotnik is holding in his left hand on it. Scratch and Grounder gasp when they see the poster. Scratch scratches his head with his right hand "Is it just me, or does Dr. Robotnik photograph kind of goofy?" Grounder asks.

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