Hedgehog and Wolf of the "Hound" Table

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Third Person's POV

We start in a medieval forest as Robotnik's time machine appears "Ooh, I think this time machine is ready for it's 50000-year service!" Grounder said "We've arrived at the proper time" Robotnik said "I've got three more Chaos Emerald to find yet" He said "And once I've got them, I'll be the Supreme High Robotnik!" Robotnik said "That way!" He said and runs off.

The three soon reached Merlynx's lair "This is it! The secret lair of Merlynx the magician!" Robotnik said and they head inside and Robotnik started questioning and threatening Merlynx to give him the Chaos Emerald of Invincibility and he did "At last! I've got the Chaos Emerald! Now I'm invincible! I can never be harmed! Let's test it out! Give me everything you've got!" Robotnik said and Scratch and Grouder do as told but Robotnik actually gets hurt "I've tried to tell you, holding the emeralf is only half of the spell! In order to gain invincibility, you have to become king!" Merlynx said "King? Of what?" Robotnik asks "Why, King of the Hound Table of course!" Merlynx said "That shouldn't be a problem, with you on my side!" Robotnik said laughing evilly.

*Meanwhile with Sonic and Brody*

Tails is surfing on the beach "Come on, Brody! The waves are totally rad!" Taild said ad Brody runs up holding his surfboard "I'm on my way, Tails!" Brody said and passes by Sonic who qas laying down on a blanket "And I'm stopping and putting it in reverse!" Brody said and sets his surfboard near Sonic who looks at him smiling and Brody winks at him.

Tails is surfing on the beach "Come on, Brody! The waves are totally rad!" Taild said ad Brody runs up holding his surfboard "I'm on my way, Tails!" Brody said and passes by Sonic who qas laying down on a blanket "And I'm stopping and putting it i...

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"Mind if your wolf gets some pets from his sweet hedgehog?" Brody asks "Come over silly" Sonic said giggling and Brody lays next to him and Sonic stars petting him making Brody purr "Brody! Sonic!" Caninestein said running to them "What is it this time Caninestein?" Brody asks as Tails flyes to them "According to my time scope, Dr. Robotnik has gone back to Medieval Mobius, where he's searching for the Chaos Emerald of invincibility!" Caninestein said "Now?" Brody and Sonic asked groaning "Let's get this over with" Brody said "Don't forget your atomic relativity boots! Theyll enable you two to circle the planet and enter the time warp!" Caninestein said and the duo put on the boots "And here are tye time-space coordinates for Robotnik's location!" He said and they nodded "Gotta juice, Doc! Thanks!" Sonic and Brody said as they travel around Mobius holding Tails as they travel through the time warp.

The trio arrived outside King Arfur's castle and Sonic and Brody screech to a halt when they reach the courtyard "Where are we?" Tails asks "Looks like we're in the walls of some kind of castle!" Brody said when the princess Gwendolyn runs past them and they run up to her "What's the rush, milady?" Sonic asks "They're attacking the castle! My father's in great danger!" Gwendolyn said "Who's your father?" Tails asks as they run inside "Why, King Arf... arf... Arfur, of course!" Gwendolyn said "King Arfur? Cool!" Tails said

*Inside the Castle*

"I read about you in the history books! Where are the knights of the Hound Table?" Tails asks "Uh, outside the castle walls getting clobbered by the evil Bloated Knight!" Arfur said "Bloated Knight?" Tails asks "Let's check it out, scout!" Brody said and the trio head for a window at the top and look through seeing the knights getting beaten by Robotnik in a black knight armor "It's Robotnik!" Brody and Sonic said as Gwendolyn runs to a large book and opens it "Our legend tells that we will be saved by the....Ho... Ho... Holy Hedgehog and Holy Wolf!" Gwendolyn said "Who, us? The Holy Hedgehog and The Holy Wolf?" Brody and Sonic ask "Well, now that you mention it, it does have a nice ring to it!" Sonic said.

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