The Mystery of the Missing Hi-tops

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Third Person's POV

Brody and Sonic are running in the hills with Tails flying behind them as they were being chased by a trio of Buzz Bombers "Sonic, Brody they're gaining on us!" Tails said "Gaining's not catchin'! Follow us!" Sonic said as they run and screech to a halt when they come to a cliff and run down to a town and get the buzz bombers to crash into a wall.

The trio soon reach the town of McGuffin and they grab a newspaper that catches their attention "What's this?" Sonic asks "The town of McGuffin has declared tomorrow 'Sonic and Brody appreciation day' " Brody read "As a way to 'thank' Mobius' fastests heroes!" Sonic said "Can we go, Sonic and Brody? Can we?" Tails asks "You kidding kiddo? We wouldn't miss it!" Brody said and Sonic nodded "Let's burn, Verne!" Sonic said as the three walk away unaware of the News dog on the phone "Sonic and Brody are on their way and they are wearing their special friction-proof sneakers, the ones they can't run without!" The dog said "Good work. I'm gonna heist those hi-tops if it's the last thing I do!" The mysterious voice said hanging up.


Brody, Sonic and Tails walk around town seeing poster with Brody and Sonic's faces and a banner that say 'HOORAY SONIC AND BRODY' and 'SONIC AND BRODY DAY'. The trio run to a fountain as they look at all the decorations in awe when a big green bird named Harry the Hucker is seen holding a suitcase "Huh?" Sonic and Brody said "Hi, I'm Harry the Hucker, your friendly souvenir salesman!" Harry said and walks up to the trio "Welcome to Sonic and Brody Appreciation Day! Nice mask, kids" he said and grabs sonic and Brody's noses and tried to pull it off causing Brody and Sonic to scream and Harry let's go of their noses "Ow! Watch it!" Brody and Sonic said covering their noses and Harry opens his suitcase and it turns into a souvenir stand with various Sonic and Brody themed merchandise.

"Can I interest you two in a set of genuine Sonic and Brody brand steak knives?" Harry asks and Sonic and Brody tap their foot "These babies slice, they dice, they peel and squeal!" Harry said "No, thanks" Brody said "Something a little more collectable maybe?" Harry asks and pulls a pink box "Bubnlegum chewed by Sonic and Brody themselves" Harry said "We don't chew gum!" Sonic said and I nodded "Boy, kids, you two are a tough sell!" Harry said "They should he, they're Sonic and Brody!" Tails said "You mean, that's not a mask?" Harry asks as Sonic and Brody run off and come back showing off their speed "Get the picture slow-mo?" Brody asks and Harry pulls out two blue bookmarks "Complimentary bookmarks to show there's no hard feelings" Harry said giving it to them then presses a button on his souvenir stand turning it back to a suitcase and walks off with it.

"Well I guess it's time to meet all of our fans Brody, talk to em', shake their hands" Sonic said as a shadow looms over them and the trio looks up seeing a giant robot piloted by Scratch and Grounder "And save their butts from this giant robot!" Brody said "There they are! The monster robot's Sonic and Brody tracking device is foolproof!" Scratch said and the two tried to squash Sonic and Brody as the trio run off and Brody and Sonic trick them and get the giant robot to fall over "That oughta send them clatterin' back to Robuttnik!" Brody said when they heard a girl call for help as she falls down from the hotel's roof and Brody and Sonic save her, she says she's Sonnette a big fan of Brody and Sonic showing lots of merchandise of them and Tails asks how she got there and Sonnette confesed she did it on purpouse to meet Sonic and Brody so the two dropped her on the ground and they head of to the hotel while the girl said she'd get back at them.

*At the hotel*

"Room for three please" Brody said to the receptionist "And does room service have chili dogs?" Tails asks "Sonic and Brody!" A brown rabbit saod causing the trio to look at him "My li'l ol' prickled-back, chill-scarfin' road runners duo!" The rabbit said "Hodgepodge" Brody and Sonic said dejected and Hodgepodge's left foot kicks Sonic and Brody in the face "Oof!" Brody and Sonic said as Tails gasps "Sonic, Brody who's this guy?" Tails asks confused as Hodgepodge picks the duo up by their shoulders "Thr handle's Hodgepodge" Hodgepodge said setting the duo down "Me, Sonic and Brody here go way back" he said and slaps Sonic and Brody on their back "Ow!" Sonic and Brody said "Knock it off!" Brody said rubbing his back "So, why'd he kick you both?" Tails asks "That's his way of saying 'Howdy'! Wanna race us?" Brody asks "You kidding? Just like old times!" Hodgepodge said "Let's do it!" Sonic said and the three run outside.

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