Heroes of the Year

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Third Person's POV

We start at a mountain as a long limousine with a helicopter parked atop it turns a corner. A Bulldog Chauffeur is seen driving the limo as a trio of cat band members playing Mozart's "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" on string instruments. A phone rings, and the camera moves over to Wes Weasely, who has a cigar in his mouth as he sits in a hot tub "Mobius Luxury Limo Sales" Weasely said "Wes Weasely speaking. How are ya, how are ya, how are ya?" He asks "Look, Pallsey, I got your deluxe model out for a test drive. Rides real nice!" He said "I'll take two dozen. Have them delivered to my new yacht!" He said and the Bulldog Chauffer screams as he stares in shock. The limo screeches to a halt as it reaches a barrier made of rocks and logs. Weasely, who is promptly launched out of his hot tub. Weasely screams as he flies through the air, and grunts as he lands on his head. The water from his hot tub splashes him "Nobody move!" Scratch said as he and Grounder, both of whom are wearing ski masks, run out from behind the barrier. Scratch is holding a laser in both his hands, and Grounder has a rope around his left arm "This is a limo-jacking, and we're about to change drivers!" Scratch said and runs up to the limo and grabs the Bulldog Chauffeur by his collar with his right hand "Get lost, pretty boy!" Scratch said as he tosses the Bulldog Chauffeur aside. Scratch is now behind the wheel of the limo "Ain't you gonna tie Weasely up?" Scratch asks Grounder "Well, Scratch, you said not to move!" Grounder said "Not us! Them!" Scratch said "We're the bad guys, we're supposed to move! Now move!" He said and Grounder rolls up to Weasely and ties the rope around his body as Scratch turns the key with his right hand, and the engine starts up. The car alarm sounds, and Scratch squawks as he plugs his ears with his index fingers. The hood of the limo opens, and fireworks fire from it. They launch into the air, and form an S.U.S.B. Sonic, Brody and Tails have covered their ears with their hands, then Sonic and Brody look up "Look, Tails! It's a "Save Us, Sonic and Brody!" distress call! Speed time, keed!" Brody said "Gotcha!" Tails said as Sonic and Brody jump and spin away. Tails flies behind him.

Back at the barrier, Grounder is now in the limo with Scratch "Do something about that alarm! It's driving me crazy!" Scratch said "Okay!" Grounder said and presses a button on the control panel with his right drill. The car alarm becomes louder "No! Not louder!" Scratch said "Look! here comes the Hedgehog and the wolf!" Grounder said "What?" Scratch asks "What?" Grounder asks and Scratch stares in shock "Let's get out of here!" Scratch said "What do you think? Should we get out of here?" Grounder asks as Scratch starts up the limo and drives it away, creating a cloud of dust. As the dust clears, Sonic and Brody stops near Weasely "Who tied you up, Wes Weasely?" Sonic asks "Robotnik's badniks" Weasely said as Tails flies up to Sonic and Brody "They stole my new limo!" Weasely said "Tails, you untie Wes Weasely! Sonic and I are going after em'!" Brody said as he and Sonic run away.

Tails lands behind Weasely "Are you okay, Weasely?" Tails asks as Weasely stands up, and Tails unties the rope with both his hands "Sure am, Pallsey! You can always count on those Sonic and Brody! Whenever there's trouble, they show up fast!" Weasely said "Yeah, they're  real heroes!" Tails said "I was just saying that to myself! They're everybody's heroes! Bout' time we did something for them!" Weasely said "You were saying that?" Tails asks "Yeah. We've had our differences, but not after today!" Weasely said "Listen, can you keep a secret, Pallsey?" Weasely asks "What kind of secret?" Tails asks "I want you to invite all of Sonic and Brody's best friends to a surprise testimonial dinner aboard my new yacht!" Weasely said and picks up his cigar with his left hand "What's the catch?" Tails asks "How much will it cost them?" He asks "Pallsey, you're talking to the new Wes Weasely!" Weasely said "I hit it rich! The whole bash'll be on me! Sonic and Brody deserves it!" He said "They sure do!" Tails said "Knew I could count on you, pallsey!" Weasely said and puts his cigar back in his mouth. He then reaches into his bathing suit with his right hand and pulls out a wad of money "Now, here's some dough for travel money for they pals!" He said "You get em' together, while I make the dinner arrangements!" He said as Tails grabs the money with both his hands "Golly, you're serious!" Tails said "I want Sonic and Brody to know how much I care!" Weasely said "I'll get their friends together!" Tails said "Remember, not one word to Sonic and Brody! We want to surprise them!" Weasely said.

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