The Last Resort

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Third Person's POV

We start in a city as a cloud of smoke emits from behind a building "Ahem! Citizens of Popodopolis, This is mayor Fumfer speaking. We are under a major robot attack!" Fumfer said on a television as three robots march through the streets "Robot attack!" A poodle lady said "As long as I am mayor, the robot will never take over the city!" Fumfer said "Uh, without a permit! All attacking robots have to fill out these forms first, in quadruplicate!" He said but the robots shoots beams of fire "Never mind!" Fumfer said "We're doomed! Oh, if only Sonic the Hedgehog and Brody the Wolf were here!" Poodle lady said when Sonic and Brody run between the citizens and the robots "You called? We eard you have a few...." Sonic said as the duo sees the robots and stares in shock and tremble "Huge robots you need taken care of!" Brody said "You got a problem, pipsqueaks?" The orange robot asks as Tails flies up to the duo "Whoa! Look at the size of 'em!" Tails said "This is gonna be trickier than we thought!" Sonic said when the orange robot beeps as if recieving new orders and raises a white flag "Halt! New orders! We give up! Attack cancelled!" The orange robot said and the three run away "They're retreating!" Tails said as Sonic and Brody scratch their heads in confusion "That's just plain weird! The only guy who could call off a robot attack like that is..." Brody said "Attention beloved citizens of Mobius!" Robotnik said and the trio looks up "Dr. Robotnik!" Sonic, Brody and Tails said as they and the citizens see Robotnik on the television screen wearing a green sweater holding a pipe "I appear to make a historic announcement. I have decided to announce my retirement, effective immediately!" Robotnik said "What?" Sonic and Brody ask "No way!" Tails said. Robotnik was sitting im a chair near the fireplace as Momma R9botnik is pouring tea "Yes way! I hereby forsake all nefarious activities to live a life of devotion to my mother!" Robotnik said "Poor dear, she's so old and feeble now, she can barely speak! In honor of my retirement, I'd like to present myself with this gold watch!" He said "Huh?" Sonic and Brody ask "I had a little something engraved, To Dr. Robotnik from Dr. Robotnik with love" Robotnik said "How thoughtful of me!" He said tossing the watch aside and it breaks "Well, goodbye, Mobius, I'll miss all the little  people I tramplee on the way out! That hedgehog and That wolf! Hedgehog, Wolf, you two, S9nic and Brody!" Robotnik said as the duo tap their foots impatiently "Yeah? We're waitiiiiing!" Sonic and Brody said and Robotnik covers his face "I think I'll miss you two most of all! I hope you two have a great relationship! Farewell, Mobius! And uh..." Robotnik said and then gets dressed like a hippie "Peace!" Robotnik said as static appears on the screen. "What was that all about?" Sonic asks "I don't know! Do you think he means it?" Tails asks and looks at Brody.

"Retiring ti spendtime with Momma? I don't think so! Come on let's find out what our old pal, Robotnik is really up to!" Brody said and the three run off

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"Retiring ti spendtime with Momma? I don't think so! Come on let's find out what our old pal, Robotnik is really up to!" Brody said and the three run off.

*Later at a lake*

The trio visites the fortress to confirm it and they were shocked to see Robotnik has really retired and is really nice to the trio so they left and went to a lake. Sonic and Brody are playing checkers with Tails taking turns to play with him and Tails is about to make a move "You gonna makr a move or what?" Brody asks "Okay! Oops, no!" Tails said "I'm waiiiiting!" Brody said "All right already! There!" Tails said "Boy this retirement stuff is for slow-mos!" Brody said "Ditto!" Sonic said "Hello!" Fumfer said walking to the trio "There you two are, I've been looking all over for you boys!" He said holding a big key "Mayor Fumfer?" Sonic and Brody asks "Greetings and felicitations, bored heroes! In thanks for saving our town, we gratefully present you two with the key to the City!" Fumfer said giving the key to Sonic and Brody but they get flatten from how heavy it is "Gee, thanks!" The duo said wearily "And also this, if you two are interested" Fumfer said "What is it?" The duo asked wearily "Courtesy of the Last Resort travel agency, a Super Sonuc amd Brody action adventures thrill-seekers holiday tour package, uh, for three!" Fumfer said "Cool-a-mundo! We'll take it!" Tails said "Sounds radical! What's the catch?" Sonic asks and Fumfer shakes his head no "Uh, no catch, just a token of our gratitude for your years of fighting that terrible Dr. Robotnik!" Fumfer said "Nah, I don't think it's such a good idea! Robotnik could still be trouble!" Sonic said "But he's retired, hasn't he?" Fumfer asks "Well yeah, so he says, but We..." Brody said when he feels Tails pull on his right arm with both hands.

Adventures together(BrodyxSonic)(AOSTH)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu