Untouchable Sonic and Brody

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Third Person's POV

Brody and Sonic have been running all over Mobius with Tails flying behind them "I hate to say it, but we are starting to slow down!" Sonic said referring to himself and Brody "Me too, guys! We've covered all of Mobius since breakfast!" Tails said "How else are we g9nna find out where R9botnik's striking next?" Brody asks "Couldn't we look for a chili dog first?"  Tails asks "Where are you gonna find a chili dog out here in the stiffs?" Sonic asks and the three screech to a halt "Whoa!" The trio said seeing the town of Mobius Corners near them "I'm glad you asked!" Brody said and the three run into the town "Now, if we were a chili dog stand, where would we be?" Sonic asks "Hey guys, look!" Tails said as they see all the citizens lock themselves in their houses scared.

"What's everybody afraid of?" Tails asks confused "Yeah! You'd think they never saw a blue hedgehog or a yellow wolf before!" Brody said "Whoa, scope it out!" Sonic said pointing at a diner and the three run there " 'Bert's diner' " Tails said "Foot-lonh chili dogs!" Brody and Sonic said reading the sign "Let's eat!" Tails said and the three went inside.

"Yeow!" A waitress named Rosy said seeing the trio and an owl named Bert Whoo sees them "By jings, I told the others no and I mean no!" Bert said "The other ones?" Sonic asks "What are you talking about?" Brody asks "Sorry, I thought at first you was robots!" Bert said "Not us!" Sonic said "No way!" Brody said "Nuh-uh!" Tails said "If we were robots would we be ordering sixteen chili digs?" Brody asks as the three sit on the stools next to the bar.

"I'll take sixteen chili dogs!" Sonic said "Me too!" Brody said "Me three!" Tails said "Mobius Corners ain't a safe place to be in right now, young fella! You'd best be moving on!" Bert said "Gosh Bert, these folks do look kinda hungry!" Roxy said "Huh, yeah, Bert!" A robot named Ball Hog said entering along a robot named Roller "Feed em'!" Ball Hog said "Yeah, it'll be the last meal you'll cook!" Roller said "That is, unless you gotten smart and decided to pay up!" Ball Hog said "I've sunk every Mobium I own in this place, and I'm not gonna hand it over to a bunch of good for nothing robots!" Bert said "Oh yeah?" Ball Hog asks "Show him we mean business Roller!" He said "You got it Ball Hog!" Roller said turning into a bowling ball and rolls into a wall creating a hole in it. Sonic and Brody run through the hole and Ball Hog looks at Tails "Hey! Where'd that blue guy and that yellow guy go?" Ball Hog asks "What blue and yellow guys?" Tails asks as Sonic and Brody return disguised as health inspectors and the two end up trashing and breaking the robots.

"Nice work, youg fellas! You put those robo-hoods right where they belong!" Bert said and Tails catches a piece of paper from the robots "Hey, Sonic! Brody! Guess what?" Tails asks and shows them the paper "We might have known!" Sonic said "Dr. Robotnik's 'Or else' Protection Service.  Pay me now or I'll pound ya later" Brody read and Tails tosses the paper on the floor "So this is what Robotnik's up to!" Tails said "Uh-huh, and Mr. Whoo is the only one who wouldn't pay, so they said they'd bust up his diner!" Roxy said "I'm the mayor of Mobius Corners. Somebody had to stand up to them!" Bert said "Well now you got us to stand with you!" Sonic said as they hear a ringing sound from the trash can and Tails runs up to it and pulls out a robocom phone picking it up "Hello? Hello, Ball Hog? Roller?" Dr. Robotnik asks as Sonic ad Brody run up to Tails "This is Dr. Robotnik!" Robotnik said "The parties you are trying to reach have been disconnected, and so is your brain, Robotnik! Your protection racket is busted!" Tails said hanging up.

*At Robotnik's fortress*

"If that hedgehog and that wolf thinis they can stop me that easy, they're wrong! Scratch! Grounder!" Robotnik said and went to get them "You called, your repulsiveness?" Grounder asks "I can't reach Ball Hog and Roller, so I want you two to go to Mobius Corners at once!" Robotnik said "Right away your vileness! Uh, what are we supposed to do?" Scratch asks "I'm making you the chief enforcers for Robotnik's protection service! Get out and enforce!" Robotnik said and sends the two off.

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