Lifestyles of the Sick and Twisted

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Third Person's POV

We start in Robotnik's Fortress "Where is that stinking letter?" Robotnik asks as he is standing near his television screen "Scratch, Grounder, I'm expecting a letter from Throbbin Screech saying I'm on his TV show. Where is my mail?" Robotnik asks "Coming, your mustachioedness, coming!" Scratch said as he and Grounder both run into the doorway and grunt as they get stuck. Scratch is holding a letter in his left hand "Hey, I should be the one to bring it! I mugged the mailman!" Grounder said and grunts as Scratch pushes him away with his right hand "Yeah, but I stole all his mail! Bwahahaha!" Scratch said "Just hurry up! This time I know I'll get on Lifestyles of the Very Good! I'm going to be a TV star!" Robotnik said and Grounder snatches the letter from Scratch with his left hand "I have the letter! But why should Throbbin want you on his show? He usually gets interesting people!" Grounder said "I'm interesting! I'm fascinating! Scintillating, even!" Robotnik said and leans up against Grounder "Right?!" Robotnik asks and Grounder sweats nervously "Oh! Uh, yeah! Uh, uh, I forgot!" Grounder said and screams as Scratch snatches the letter from him with his left hand and hands it to Robotnik "Here you go, your sizableness!" Scratch said as Grounder grunts as he tries to take the letter back with his left hand "Dr. Robotnik, I got it for you! No, no one else, me!" Scratch said and the letter falls out of Scratch's hand and floats to the ground. Robotnik picks it up with his right hand "I'll get it myself!" Robotnik said and looks over the letter, which reads, LIFESTYLES OF THE VERY GOOD, TO: DR. ROBOTNIK. He points at it with his left index finger "Oh, it's from the show, it's from the show! I'm gonna be on TV!" Robotnik said as Scratch and Grounder watch as Robotnik opens the letter. When Robotnik sees what it says, he is outraged "What?!" Robotnik asks and looks over the letter, which reads, LIFESTYLES OF THE VERY GOOD, DR. ROBOTNIK, and has many MMMs and NOs written on it "You want to be on my show, the answer is, "No, no, no! Maybe? Nope, never!". Love, Throbbin Screech, Lifestyles of the Very Good" Robotnik reads as Scratch is now holding a pocket watch and chain in his left hand, which is revealed to have come from Grounder's chest compartment "Dr. Robotnik!" Scratch said "Throbbin Screech is on!" Grounder said "It's showtime! Bwahaha!" Scratch said as Robotnik is now holding the letter in his left hand and holds out his right hand like a stop sign "Silence! We're not watching his show! We hate his show!" Robotnik said "No, we don't! It's our very favorite!" Grounder said and Scratch hits Grounder against the wall with his right elbow "We'd rather watch reruns of Bart the Barfy Bumblebee any day!" Grounder said wearily and Robotnik switches the TV on with a remote control he is holding in his left hand. On the screen, Bart is leaning against a building with his right hand as he holds his left hand up to his stomach "I don't feel so good!" Bart saud and Grounder chuckles "Now, that's what I call educational TV!" Grounder said "All right, I can't stand it! I have to see who Screech could have possibly picked instead of me!" Robotnik said and presses a button on his remote with his left thumb, and the channel changes to LIFESTLYES OF THE VERY GOOD. The show's theme plays as the title card is shown. Throbbin, who is holding a microphone in his right hand, is then shown alongside a dalmatian wearing a fireman's hat, holding a rescued kitten in his mouth. Throbbin, who is now holding the microphone in his left hand, is shown alongside a seal in a doctor's uniform, who is holding a baby bird in his right fin. Throbbin, who is now holding the microphone in his right hand again, is shown alongside a rhino, who is holding a trophy in both his hands. The screen then transitions to a view of Throbbin at his desk "Greetings to most of you, ladies and gentlemen! Today on Lifestyles of the Very Good, it's the power couple Sonic the Hedgehog and Brody the Wolf!" Throbbin said and the audiences cheers as a view of Sonic and Brody, who are now sitting in a chair, are shown. They waves at them as Sonic was sitting on Brody's lap and the two were holding hands "As a rule, you're all way past cool!" Sonic and Brody said "Sonic the Hedgehog and Brody the Wolf?! That's supposed to be my show!" Robotnik said and points his left index finger at the screen, then screams as he pulls on his mustache with both his hands. "We followed Sonic and Brody around for a week with our cameras, and this is what we saw!" Throbbin said.

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