Trail of the Missing Tails

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Third Person's POV

We start this chapter in an alternate dimension full of flying fish and a doctor called Warpnik "Five years. It has been five long years since my crack-shell cousin, Robotnik banished me here, to the Warp of Confusion!" Doctor Warpnik said looking through a telescope "But I shall have my revenge!" He said "All I need the bait!" He said looking at Sonic and Brody running fast.

Meanwhile, Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts were setting a trap for Brody and Sonic "Oh yeah! Oh yeah! When that Wolf and Hedgehog shows, it's showtime!" Coconuts said as the three prepare various traps setting ome chili dog on a table for bait.

As they finished they hear Sonic and Brody running in the distance and they screech to a halt near a hill "Oh, yeah! When speed's of the essence" Sonic said and looked over at Brody "We're the essence of speed!" Brody said and two highfive as Brody wraps his arm around Sonic "What'd we stop for, Sonic? Brody?" Tails asked catching up and Sonic and Brody sniff and then look at Tails.

As they finished they hear Sonic and Brody running in the distance and they screech to a halt near a hill "Oh, yeah! When speed's of the essence" Sonic said and looked over at Brody "We're the essence of speed!" Brody said and two highfive as Brod...

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"Ahh. That. Can't you smell it? A succulent sausage..." Sonic said and Brody sniffs "....smothered in sauce..." Brody said and Sonic sniffs ".....anointed with onions ad garnished with grated cheese!" Sonic said "A chili dog? Out here?" Tails asks "Not just a chili dog, Tails" Sonic said "A Robotnik chili dog" Brody said sniffing "Mmm. He's improved his chili. We've just gotta get that recipe!" Sonic said "It has to be a trap!" Tails said "Well of course, it's a trap, Tails" Brody said "That's half the fun! Brody and I like our chili dogs well-spiced with danger!" Sonic said "Yeah! Let's do it Sonic and Brody!" Tails said flying towards it but Sonic and Brody grab him and pull him back "Hang on a micro-second, micro buddy!" Brody and Sonic said "This is a duo flight for me and Brody" Sonic said smiling "You stay here!" Brody said smiling "Aw, Sonic! Brody!" Tails said as Sonic and Brody run off  "We'll save you half a dog!" Brody and Sonic said running to the table and they stand on each side of the table.

"Why look Brody! A chili dog!" Sonic said acting "Why you're right Sonic! It's all alone, out here in the middle of nowhere! How incredibly fortunate, because we're so hungry!" Brody said "Yeah, lets share it!" Sonic said and Brody nodded and the ...

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"Why look Brody! A chili dog!" Sonic said acting "Why you're right Sonic! It's all alone, out here in the middle of nowhere! How incredibly fortunate, because we're so hungry!" Brody said "Yeah, lets share it!" Sonic said and Brody nodded and the badniks bought it as they got ready, Brody and Sonic went to Scratch's machine and used it to grab Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts slamming them on the table and the catapults go off hitting the robots ending with Coconut's cannon fires causing a big explosing causing Tails to worry and flyes over there "Sonic! Brody! Where you guys?" Tails asks and ends up falling down in the crater and gasps when he sees Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts walk over to him.

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