We won't last long 1.

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Xania was treated as an outcast because of the color of her blood. Her father Marcus Kane wasn't the best at being... a father. She didn't know who her mother was, she died at birth. Xania heard stories from those around the arc about how her Mother was a part of the descendants of the last people on earth. You could say that made her slightly proud of her bloodline.

After years of trying to make peace with her father. She finally admitted fact that he would never love her as much as he loved his job.

Xania hated her name, it made her feel like an alien. Although to some she was. The fact that she was the top of her class and her father was the first under the Chancellor didn't change the fact that she would get food thrown at her in Cafeteria or get yelled at in the hallways because of her blood color.

    Xania Pov (4 years ago)

Xania had been going through blood tests ever since she was 15. Her father did nothing to stop them despite her pleas. Xania had finally had enough. she would take the matter into her own hands.

Since her home alienated her, and she never truly knew who she could trust, Xania found her comfort in other places. Like space. She would tell everyone she had to do a mandatory checkup outside the ship but instead she was just running from her problems.

After about 15 minutes she decided to go back to the Arc. When she came back in she realized there was a familiar face standing in front of her.

"What are you doing Kane?" Raven said standing sassily with her arms crossed.

"Don't call me that" I said whilst taking off my space gear.

"You just wasted oxygen," She said bobbing her head and looking at me.

"Float me," I responded dryly, walking up to her in just my sports bra and boxers. She took a couple of steps back from me and looked down.

"Don't act like you haven't done it too" I said smirking as I looked down at her.

"Fine. But that doesn't make it any less bad." She said looking back up at me.

"Sure," I said turning away from her and walking over to the corner of the room. I reached down and picked up my clothes that were sitting on the counter. Raven stared as I began to get dressed before finally sighing and crossing her arms.

"Whatever," She said walking out of the room. I just smirked as I watched her leave.


"Xania?" Abby said to me as I was walking up and down the halls.

"Yes?" I said stopping and turning to her.

"Are you doing anything important right now?" She asked me timidly.

"Not really was just gonna go and flash the guards so I could talk to Clarke," I said smirking at her.

"You can't talk to them and that's sort of what I wanted to talk about," She said looking at me.

"Listen I know flashing the guards is bad but-"

"That's not what I want to talk to you about," Abby said with a sigh, interrupting me.

"Oh?" I said intrigued.

"Just follow me, please." She said looking around.

"Sure," I said shrugging and turning to follow her.

Abby led me into a spare room, Raven was sitting on a bench working on a space pod.

"That looks like an egg," I said deadpan ing and turning to Abby.

"Great. The knight is here" Raven said in a sarcastic enthusiastic voice looking at me then turning back around to work on the pod.

"Thank you," I said beaming.

"Get along. You're gonna be working together and possibly going to earth together" Abby said looking at us.

"Earth? What do you mean? Does this have to do with me not being able to see Clarke?" I rushed, putting my hands in my pockets whilst furrowing my eyebrows.

"We sent 100 of the prisoners to earth. The ark is failing on Oxygen-"

"Oh yeah I know about all that" I said raising my hand interrupting her.

"Clarke?" She guessed smiling.

"I didn't flash that guard for nothing," I said smiling back at her.

"You flashed a guard?" Raven said looking at me. "Relax I like girls," I said putting my hands up and smiling slightly at her. She immediately turned back around to face the Pod, embaressed.

"Can we get back on the subject please?" Abby said sending a longing look my way.

"Yeah sure," I said taking in a big breath.

"I hope there's room in there for three because she's coming with us," Abby said looking to Raven. Raven finally put her tools down and stood up. Before Raven could protest Abby raised her hand and started to talk.

"She's top of her class in everything... Except for Geometry. She also happens to be the one who trains the kids that want to become guards. She can protect us if anything goes wrong." Abby said raising her eyebrows at Raven.

"So, guess I'm your knight in shining armor after all," I said smirking at Raven.

"I don't need a knight in shining armor. Especially you" She said with a scowl.

"ooh." I said putting a hand on my heart and acting as if an arrow shot through it.

"Get to work. You have 9 days." Abby said walking out of the room leaving me and Raven.

"An alien and a bird. What a great pair" I said to Raven. She glared at me then sat back down at her work station.

-A/N- Short first chapter but you get the gist. I hope you like it. I've been putting off making the 100 fanfic because I'm still recovering from season 7 but um yeah I'll try to update when I can. :)

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