Watch the Thrones 29.

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We were having a memorial for those that died in the Mount Weather explosion. I didn't know anyone that died there. I knew that Bellamy's girlfriend, Gina, died. I decided to skip the memorial because of my lack of emotional attachments.

As I was walking around I saw scouts running into Arkadia. They ran past everyone and into where the memorial was being held. I followed behind wanting to know what was happening. After they ran in, shouting started coming from the room. I ran in. Everyone was fighting. A loud whistle erupted. Everyone looked toward the noise. It was Pike. I just rolled my eyes.

"The enemy is not in this camp! I say you send back the army of grounders and let them know we can protect ourselves!" He shouted. Everyone started cheering along. So that's what happened. Lexa sent in guards.

"I say you shut up and let the chancellor speak, Pike!" I yelled walking up to him. "This isn't your little farm station Pike. We have rules" I said getting closer to him. A guard raised their gun at me. I looked at them. Pike raised his hand. The guard put his gun down.

"She's right. I'm not the chancellor. And we do have rules!" He said looking around. Great, he used me as an example.

"Deal with this," I said looking at my father then left.

"That was quite the display of hatred in there," Octavia said from beside me.

"Pike is an asshole. That simple" I said taking a drink from my cup.

"Lincon got hit with a rock in the head. He doesn't want to press charges." She said sighing. I looked over at her.

"He should. I say we kill Pike. There's nothing good he can bring from his existence" I said as I put my cup down.

"I'm sure you could but who knows what will come from his death. Plus you might get executed or like 1,000 shock whip lashings." She said smiling at me. I just scoffed.

"nothing I can't handle," I said shifting my position in my chair. She just looked over at me.

"You do that a lot you know," She said messing with her cup.

"What?" I asked looking at her.

"You..." She said looking past me.

"What is it?" I asked looking behind me.

"What's Bell doing?" She asked standing up. There were around ten guards with guns headed toward the gate. Lincoln was standing there.

"What's going on?" I asked Octavia. One of the guards held their gun up to his head. Lincon grabbed the guard and held a knife against his throat.

"All security personal report to the main gate now." Someone said over the PA. Octavia ran over to Lincon. I followed. I stood in front of Pike.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked looking at him.

"They're trying to start a war," Lincon said. I looked over at Bellamy.

"Really Bellamy? Those grounders are there for our protection" I said walking toward him.

"They're waiting to strike!" he yelled at me.

"Let me guess. Pike put that into your head. Yeah well, tough shit Bellamy. Pike puts a lot of things in people's heads. Just wait until he gets close to you" I said looking at Pike. Bellamy furrowed his eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?" Octavia asked.

"I tried to help her," Pike said.

"You tried to kill me!" I shouted looking at him.

"You were going to kill us all and even your own father knew that!" he said.

"Alright break it up," My father said. "Let him go, Lincon," My father said. My father talked to Bellamy.

"Guards take him to lockup now!" Abby said. I turned around and began heading towards my room.

"Hey, Hey!" Octavia said grabbing my arm. People started chanting Pike.

"I'm going to plan," I said turning back toward The Ark.

"For what?" She asked.

"An assassination," I said speeding up.

Everyone voted. A majority of them voted for Pike. Marcus and Pike almost tied. I knew what Pike's first action was going to be. I was waiting at the gate for Pike. One bullet to the head and it would all be over. I had a hidden gun in my back pocket. As I expected, Pike and some others came out from The Ark.

"don't make us hurt you Xania" Bellamy said looking at me.

"Oh please," I said looking at him.

"As your chancellor, I order you to stand down," Pike said looking at me. I looked at him.

"You're not my Chancellor," I said walking forward. Everyone watched as I neared him.

"As long as you are living in Arkadia then yes I am," He said stepping toward me.

"The day you held a gun to my head and told me it was for the sake of your people' was the day you became dead to me," I said reaching into my pocket.

"I'm afraid if you don't stand down in the next ten seconds we will have to use force," he said looking at his guard.

"Oh don't worry," I said smiling sarcastically.

  this will only take 2," I said pulling out my gun. I went aim it at his head but a hand stopped me. I turned to my right. It was my father.

"Xania Kane. Under the sixth law of attempted murder of the chancellor you are under arrest" he said as he put handcuffs on me.

"No!" I yelled pulling my arms back.

"Grab her!" Pike shouted at his guards. Multiple hands grabbed me. I trashed around until a sharp pain entered my neck. I grunted softly as I drifted into darkness. I saw a face before everything went black. It was Octavia. She told them.

When I woke up I was in a jail cell. I don't know how long I was asleep but it must have been long. It looked like a new day.

"I see you're awake," A voice said from behind me. I turned around.

"Did he do it?" I asked looking at my father.

"They came back about an hour ago. All of them" He said.

"That's impossible. Yes, guns give us an advantage but not that much. 300 against 10?" I said looking around.

"You're going to be in here for a while," he said looking at me. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Indra radioed. Octavia is going to meet up with her. I need you to create a distraction. That's why you're in here" he said looking at me.

"And what is it you want me to do father dearest?" I asked walking up to the cage. He looked me dead in the eyes.

"I want you to make some things go boom. I know that right now is a bad time but..." He began. 

"I understand. Where exactly am I going to find some things that go boom?" I asked looking at him. He opened the door.

"There are secret tunnels all around The Ark. You being you know where most of them are," He said looking at me. I smiled and walked out of the door.

"So you want me to be a fox?"I asked looking at him.

"Your mother's favorite animal was a fox. I believe you are one yourself" He said handing me my jacket.

"May we meet again?" I said walking over to the wall. I grabbed a piece of the wall and took it off. It revealed a secret tunnel.

A/N- helooooo Okay so this chapter is pretty short but I don't have a lot to work with. Anyways I have like 6 missing assignments so I'm going to get working on those. Anyways um yeah. Bye.

Clarke Griffin x fem!ocजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें