Unity day 6.

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What is that? A scent filled my nostrils. It was... tangy. No. It was sweet but salty. I opened my eyes slowly. A bright light shined. It blinded me. It took a couple of seconds for my eyes to adjust to the light.

I groaned and sat up. My throat. It was... on fire. I scratched at it. I looked around. There were... big block things around me. I furrowed my eyebrows. Oxygen started pooling into my lungs. I took in a big raspy breath.

"Hey there fox" I heard a female voice say. I turned. A woman. She had long brown hair and freckles. She had foggy green eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Aww. Guess it's pretty bad that my own daughter doesn't recognize me" She said looking at me. I raised my eyebrows.

"M- Mom?" I asked looking at her. I could feel tears threatening to spill from my eyelids. I kept them in.

"Hey baby," She said. The tears fell. Her voice was like silk. I jumped into her arms. She smelt sweet and salty. I sobbed in her arms.

"I would love to talk about you but there's something important you need to know. " She said. I backed up and looked up at her.

"What is it? Wh- Where are we?" I asked looking around.

"That doesn't matter all that matters is that you know. My parents told me stories about my-"

"Xania!" I heard someone shout. I looked around again.

"Who is that?" I asked. My mom grabbed my shoulders. she turned me around to face her.

"You need to go back to them. I know how much it hurts but you need to. It's not your time." She said. I could see her eyes were starting to water.

"Wait, What did you want to tell me?" I asked holding onto her arms.

"My parents told me stories about one of my great aunts. She's a criminal but you need to get back. Go. Now!" She shouted. Her yelling scared me. Everything faded to black.

I shot up gasping for breath. I looked around. I was sitting on a flat bed.

"Xania!" Clarke yelled. She jumped into my arms.

"Clarke?" I said with a shaky breath.

"It's me Xania. It's me" She said smiling at me. I looked into her eyes. They had tears in them.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Xania you- You died," She said looking at me in disbelief. I was... I was shocked, to say the least. I looked around. Raven and Finn were standing there looking at me.

"What?" I asked looking at them.

"Relax. They were just worried." Clarke said looking at them back at me. Raven was in Finn's arms. I could see she had been crying too.

"Is the tough mechanic crying because I died?" I asked putting a hand on my chest.

"It's not funny!" Raven and Clarke both yelled at me.

"Geez okay," I said raising up my hand in defense. I chuckled lightly. Talking hurt my neck. I rubbed my neck.

"Holy shit!" I said as I was looking in a makeshift mirror. The rope left a huge ass mark on my neck. Don't even get me started on how I would have a big ass scar on my eye. One of the goons that hit me busted my face open. "Talk about hickey," I said examing my neck. Raven scoffed at me. "Where's Octavia?" I asked as my smile faded. Raven was silent for a moment.

"She blames herself for your so-called death. No one can figure out why" Raven said.

"Where is she?" I asked again. Raven nodded her head toward her left. I looked. Octavia had her head in Bellamy's chest. I looked at Raven. She nodded. I got up and limped toward the Blake duo. I sucked in a deep breath.

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