Hakladema 30.

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Screams.Screams. They're everywhere. Yet nowhere. Why won't they stop screaming? What did I do to deserve this endless torture? I opened my eyes. I was sitting in front of a screen. My eyes adjusted to the light and focused on what I was looking at.

Raven, Octavia, Bellamy, Monty, Murphy... Clarke. They were all in a room that looked so familiar. Two people dressed in hazmat suits grabbed Clarke. She was chained to the walls like everyone else. They put her on a table.

I realized why everything seemed so familiar. They strapped her down. They pulled out a drill. They cleaned Clarke's hip with a wipe. They turned on the drill. They lined it up with her hip. I couldn't look away. Clarke's screams echoed through my ears as I watched the drill dig into her hip, blood squirting all over the hazmats arm, unable to move. my head gave out and I looked to my left. There was a lever. It was black and I could feel the heat radiating off of it from the chair I was sitting in.

"Pull it. it will make it stop" A voice said. I reached for the lever wanting to end Clarke's suffering. As my hand touched the lever it burned my palm. I couldn't pull my hand away from it.

"Make it stop please!" I shouted as thrashed around in my chair.

"Pull the lever," The voice said. I had no other option. I pulled the lever and shut my eyes. The screaming stopped. I opened my eyes and slowly looked at the screen. They were dead. Every single one of them. They were lying there lifeless. The marrow sucked dry from them.

I looked back at my hand that was resting on the lever. My hand was covered in blood. Red blood. I jumped out of the chair. I pulled my hand back. I started to sob.

"You let me die," A voice said from behind me. I turned around. It was Clarke.

"you let us die," Octavia said stepping forward out of the darkness.

"No, no I didn't I- I pulled the lever!" I said looking behind me. There was nothing there. I looked down. There was something on the empty vast floor. I walked toward it and bent down. I picked it up.

It made a light metallic noise as I picked it up. It was my necklace... It was covered in black blood.

"This is your fault." The same voice said. I stood up. I looked around.

"Fine! Blame me! And what's so bad with it being my fault huh? So what if I'm the bad guy? The bad guy has way more fun!" I shouted as tears streamed down my face.

A sharp pain entered my stomach. I looked down. There was a spear in my chest. I screamed in pain. Something pushed me back. My back hit a hard surface. I barely got my eyes open before I was strung up into the air. A rope tightened around my neck. I grabbed and scratched at my neck dropping my necklace. A familiar burning sensation entered my head. Things started to blur. As everything was about to go black I was dropped onto the ground. I gasped for air. I tried to get up but two hands grabbed me and slammed my head down onto a padded surface. I opened my eyes. The pain in my head was enough to kill me. Two more hands grabbed a hold of my wrists. I looked down. I was on a table. Two people in hazmat suits were standing above me strapping me down to a table.

"No, no!" I shouted. I tried to thrash around but they just tightened the straps. They had strapped my head down. I heard a loud buzzing noise start up from behind me. I couldn't see it. One of the suits came around to my right. I looked at them. They ripped my jeans and wiped off my hip. I tried to scream but the other suit stuffed something in my mouth. It tasted rancid. I felt a sharp pain that quickly escalated in my hip. The pain dug until a scraping harsh feeling could be felt on my hip bone. Every time they touched my hip just hurt even worse. After a couple of seconds of that, I was picked up. They held me in a standing position. I was in so much pain my head was drooping. The four hands grabbed my wrists. They pushed me up against something circular. They put my hands above my head and tied my wrists together. I opened my eyes.

There were people in front of me... Grounders. They had knives... Raven. I thought. One of the grounders took off my shirt. One by one the grounders walked forward and cut me. They had cut every inch of my body until I was left in just my underwear and bra. The grounders faded as a new person approached me.

They had pale skin and blue-grey eyes. Their hair was light brown with blonde streaks. She had a scar along her neck. Like I did.

"who are you?" I asked in a raspy voice. I was out of breath. Every part of my body was on fire. She walked toward me and took my wrists down. She had a brown jumpsuit on with black boots. She wore a darker brown armor plate over the brown jumpsuit. She put her hands on my shoulders. I furrowed my eyebrows. She looked me in the eyes.

"it's okay to be the villain of the story... A villain is just a victim whose story hasn't been told." She said. Something about her eyes looked so familiar. She looked down and grabbed my hands. She brought them up to my chest. "If life has taught me one thing, it's that there are no villains. Only people doing their best" She said. I sucked in a deep breath. I raised my shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

"Who. Are. You?" I asked. She smiled softly.

"I will see you soon. I hope you can remember these words." She said then disappeared. What. The. Fuck.

I shot up gasping for air. I heard a bit of commotion. I looked around. I was on the ground. Grounders surrounded me. Not warriors. Sick people. I looked at all of their faces. They looked scared. I stood up. I looked around. A hand touched my shoulder. I grabbed it and spun around. "Easy," Lincon said looking at my raised fist. I dropped my hand and looked him in the eye.

"What's going on?" I asked looking at the grounders.

"They've locked up all the grounders. They heard you screaming in the walls. You've been passed out since then..." He said walking over to the corner of the room. I followed. He looked up at me worried.

"What is it?" I asked looking at him. He hesitated.

"You were screaming and yelling in your sleep. I tried to wake you but Chev told me not to. He said dreams are a way of seeing past the physical presence." He said. I scoffed. "What were you doing in the walls?" He asked changing the subject. I looked down at him. He was sitting on the floor. I sat beside him.

"I was supposed to be scouting but well... you get what happened," I said sighing. He nodded. "How's Octavia taking it?" I asked looking at him. He smiled.

"Stubborn. As usual" He said.

"Always," I said looking around.

I was sitting in the corner watching as the grounders gave themselves water with a ladle. One of them was shaking and making it hard for the girl to drink her water.

"here" I said walking over to them. He moved back scared. "It's okay. I can do it" I said in Tridgeslang. He nodded and handed me the ladle. I bent down and scooped up some water. I poured it into the grounder girl's mouth. She thanked me. I nodded and smiled.

"careful. This one doesn't like to be chained up. And don't get me started on the girl..." Miller said coming up to the gate. I stood up. "Your girlfriend's not here to free you this time." He said to Lincon. I walked toward him. He glanced over at me.

"The princess isn't here to relieve you of your duty so I'll just do it myself," He said. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned my head. "Talk about her again-" I said walking forward. Lincon stopped me and put his hand on my chest. I looked over at him confused. Lincon walked forward. Miller looked to his left as the other guards walked out. He opened the hatch and put medicine in it.

"It's from Abby. For Denae." He said. Lincon grabbed it and nodded. Miller looked toward me. His eyes flickered down to my neck. I narrowed my eyes at him. He looked behind him then back at me. "I'm sorry." He said.

"Octavia?" I asked.

"She got out with Clarke," Miller said then left. I looked at Lincon. He nodded.

A/N-.... Hello. My neck hurts and my back hurts and my eyes hurt. EVERYTHING HURTS. But I'm gonna post anyway for you guys. I hope you like it. Comment if you would like to say anything and votes are appreciated. Thank you :)

Clarke Griffin x fem!ocМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя