Blood must have blood: Pt 1. 24.- Blood must have blood: Pt. 2. 25.

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I was with Octavia, Indra, and a couple more of Indra's seconds. We were entering the mines. Raven's team was entering to blow the power. Clarke and The commander's army were at the front waiting for the retreat call. Our plan was to escort the army that was inside, out through the Reaper tunnels.

"According to Lincon's map. We're getting close" Octavia said as we made our way through the tunnels.

"Lincon should be here to show us the way," Octavia said looking at the journal.

"He wasn't ready. Even he knew that. He'll do well fighting with the commander." Indra said.

"We'll be fine Octavia. I'm sure Lincon knew what he was doing whilst writing in the journal" I said holding a bow and looking around the tunnels. "Why did I have to get a bow?" I asked looking at Indra. She looked me up and down.

"We're hoping to not have a fight," Octavia said looking at Indra than at me. 

"The best way for you to assist us is with a bow" Indra finished off. I just sighed.

"I prefer my knives," I said looking behind us.

"And that's not important. Now let's find our way through these tunnels." Indra said. I took a step when I heard a clanging. One of our soldiers started shooting.

"Stop shooting!" Octavia shouted. Indra stopped him by grabbing his guns. Everyone stood silent until Reapers yelled and started attacking. I pulled out my tone replicator and turned it on. The Reapers backed up.

"Tranquilizers. Go for the jugular." Jackson shouted. I pulled out the tranquilizer and stabbed it into the neck of the reaper that was in front of me. His body went limp and he fell.

"Secure their hands and feet," Octavia said. I tied them up.

"They'll be out for a while," Jackson said in a relieved voice.

We had found our way to the door. We were standing there when a horn sounded.

"We're retreating," Indra said looking toward the exit.

"That can't be right," Octavia said.

"They haven't come out yet," I said pointing to the door.

"We have to go. Now" Indra demanded looking at the seconds. 

"Indra, wait," Octavia said walking toward Indra. I stood next to the door. "They're still in there," Octavia said trying to reason with Indra.

"And our commander's out there under attack for all we know." Indra contoured.

"I don't trust her. Not after Tondc" Octavia said standing tall. She whispered something I didn't hear. Octavia and Indra got closer. I couldn't hear their conversation anymore. The seconds started retreating. I walked toward one of them.

"I'm staying" I announced as I grabbed one of the grounders. They looked at me. I pulled out a sword. I handed them the bow. "Keep it," I said as I walked back toward the door. I took my stance and stood there. The rest of Skaikru just looked at me. I turned and saw that Indra had a knife against Octavia's throat. I took a step forward. "Indra..." I warned pulling out one of my daggers.

"You are no longer my seconds," She said. She made a little cut in Octavia's neck. Octavia gasped. Indra turned and walked off. I rushed toward Octavia. I ripped off a piece of my shirt. I held it against Octavia's cut. She looked up at me.

"I'll slit her throat and watch the life drain from her eyes if you want me to," I said as I applied pressure to the cut.

"No. She would take you down" She said looking at me.

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