The Calm 9.

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You wanna know a great way to start off a day. A shed full of our meat burning down. All of our food. Gone. Raven and Finn had broken up too. All that we had was some nuts and onions. Clarke told me that we have to go hunting. Thank god she couldn't remember what Murphy has told me. About the Nighbleeda sketch. The deal was everyone would go with one person with a gun. I was going to go with Clarke, Finn, and some other guy but Bellamy asked me to keep an eye on Raven.

He told me that she tried to leave camp by herself. I was currently watching as she was working on radios for communication.

"you want to know something?" I asked her. She looked over at me. She looked back at her work. "Fine," I said.

"Can you go get me some things?" She asked looking at me.

"Sure," I said smiling sarcastically.

"Can you get me some moss?" She asked.

"moss?" I questioned.

"Yeah it's slimy it can help-"

"You know what okay," I said raising up my hands in defense. She just scoffed. I left and headed outside of the wall.

I was looking for moss. I couldn't find any within 25 feet of camp. Luckily I found some within 30 feet of camp. As I was looking on the ground I saw boar footprints. I had a knife on me. Cool, I could get some meat and moss.

I followed them about 10 feet when they stopped. They just... stopped. I looked around. "Trap," I muttered. I started running back to camp. Before I could get very far I was shot in the shoulder with an arrow. I fell and rolled a bit.

I tried to get back up but someone stomped on my leg. I cried out in pain. I looked and saw some guy with a skull mask. I tried to stab him but they grabbed my arm. " Help-" I called out but someone grabbed my hair. They turned my head forcefully toward them. They had a skull mask just like the others. They seemed to study me. They touched my shoulder where the arrow went through. I groaned in pain. They hit me in the face knocking me out.

When I woke up I was tied to a chair. I looked around. I was in a... room of some sort. I didn't have a shirt on. Just my sports bra. Clarke and Finn were here too. I tried to talk but there was something around my mouth. I made noise.

I looked to my left. There was someone taking the arrow out of my arm. I groaned in pain. They looked at me. Clarke and Finn were standing around a female. She looked like the girl from the bridge. The person finished taking the arrow out of my arm and removed the gag from my mouth. I stared at them. They backed up.

"What... The... Fuck" I said looking at Finn and Clarke. They turned to me.

"Xanny" Clarke said walking toward me.

"Oh my god. She's lost a lot of blood" Clarke said looking at the girl. It was the girl from the bridge.

"Where did you get that blood?" The bridge girl asked me.

"What?" I asked looking at her.

"My name is Anya and skaikru doesn't have any nightbleeda. Where. Did. You. Get. Your. Blood?" She asked me.

"My blood is my blood and why do you guys keep talking about some Nightbleeda?" I asked. Anya and the other grounders looked at each other.

"Xania's had thousands of tests done on her there's nothing different except for the color," Clarke said trying to help me.

"We will discuss this later. Take him away and kill him" Anya said looking at Finn.

"Wait what?" I asked trying to get up. The grounder to my left grabbed my shoulder. I yelled out in pain. Clarke looked at me. " Stop please!" She yelled looking between Finn and me.

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